Here's the background: I like how my boar brush lathers hard soaps, much more than my badger brush. It lathers in seconds, and creates a rich, thick cream, as I like it. But. On my face I prefer the badger, it is softer, it massages my face much better. What to do? Well, the U2BL, or, the ultimate 2 brushes lathering(TM).
Develop the lather with the boar (or synthetic), squeeze the lather left on the brush in the bowl, take the badger brush (wet&hot), distribute the lather on the face and keep using the second brush.
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Develop the lather with the boar (or synthetic), squeeze the lather left on the brush in the bowl, take the badger brush (wet&hot), distribute the lather on the face and keep using the second brush.
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