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Twin Edge DE Razor Blades

Well, if anyone has been wondering if a twin edge DE razor blade was ever manufactured, here it is. They are NOS Schick razor blades with a teflon edge. Found them at an antique store for 50 cents. They were made in 1974 by Schick and marketed as the "2002 Twin Double Edge Blade." This is a sampler pack containing one twin edge DE blade.

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Reminds me of a joke.
A drunk man sits in a park and there are children playing around. He keeps staring at these two girls with amazement and after some time approaches them and asks: are you twins? The girls answer: yes we are. He goes: Wow... four identical twins, what's the chance of that...
Those are no joke, I had 2 of those...one of the best blades I ever tried...wish I could find some more.
Wow. I was totally oblivious to this, maybe. In what years would these have been on the shelves? EDIT: Nevermind. I see the answer. I totally missed this at the time.
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