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Turned my father-in-law into a Creed man

Last year was wearing GIT and my wife said "I like that one....smells like something my dad would like too"
So I got him a 1 oz GIT bottle for Xmas. To my knowledge all he's worn previous is Polo Green, Brut, Old Spice, etc.

Wife got back from visiting her parents this weekend and came back with the GIT bottle, now empty. Obviously he must love it.
I don't think he realizes this is expensive juice and is using it like it's going out of style.....multiple sprays and applications a day. Nothing wrong with that!

I suggested we buy him the big Darth Vader bottle of GIT for next occasion like his birthday. But then an idea popped into my head.
Would he know different or enjoy Cool Water any less? Maybe fragheads here can debate how different they are, but I don' think my FIL would know or even care.

Difference is $240 vs $32 LOL. I'm gonna go with the Cool Water gift and if he says "I like that other one more" (I dont think he even knows it's called Creed or Green Irish Tweed) I will get him that for this coming Xmas.
Your post gives the impression you have a rather low opinion of your father in law's intelligence, with a, not so subtle, undercurrent of elitism. :glare:
I enjoy both GIT and Cool Water, and wore them side by side to see how different they are. The difference is noticeable, they are definitely very similar. I think it would be worthwhile to see if your FIL likes Cool Water. You could give him a decant now to see if he likes it, and ask him how he likes this compared to the other. He might not be interested in a lengthy discussion about colognes, not many folks are as "into it" as we are, but you can see what he thinks of them in a discussion that you would both be comfortable with. It might be nothing more than "So, how do you like this compared to the last one?"
For all practical purposes they are the same because the difference between them isn't any more than the difference you find between each batch of GIT.
I dont think he cares enough about frags enough to know difference between the two. Only fragheads know or care about difference between GIT and CW.
If I'm wrong I'm only out $32.

On the other hand, may be better that I turn him into a Dior man like myself.

(I am blue collar designer scent guy whilst he is a Creed man)

Your post gives the impression you have a rather low opinion of your father in law's intelligence, with a, not so subtle, undercurrent of elitism. :glare:

No....his post gives the impression that he has a very low opinion of his father in law's nose.....big difference as being able to distinguish a scent has nothing to do with intelligence. I did not catch the elitism.
No....his post gives the impression that he has a very low opinion of his father in law's nose.....big difference as being able to distinguish a scent has nothing to do with intelligence. I did not catch the elitism.
Agreed. I think Schad gets a lot of flack for his over the top opinons, but does a great job at not taking it seriously. And the guy uses a freakin electric shaver!
<3 me some Schad, he really keeps coming up with good topics.
Well I'm willing to overlook the Le Male fiasco.
Oh yeah, it was a fiasco all right.

Here's what you do to save a buck on GIT.
1. Go to ebates.com and sign up. Right now (I think this week only) they are offering double cash back at fragrancenet.com (12% cash back).
2. sign up for fragrancenet's email list and get a 20% off code (or use basenotes code and get 15% off, but 20% is better)
3. GIT is only $169 for a 4oz bottle. So $169 - 20% = $135 + 12% cash back (roughly...$16?) makes for a...$120 4oz. bottle.
4. Profit

Yes you have to wait a few months for the ebates money, but still, $135 out of your pocket is pretty decent.
If you really want to save more money, save your cap from the old bottle (and box if you care that much) and get a tester bottle (which has no cap and a plain box).
You can save another maybe $20 past that.
You want to really see if he doesn't know anything about scents, or cologne in general? Put some AV Ice Blue Sport in a GIT bottle :lol:
Well I'm willing to overlook the Le Male fiasco.
Oh yeah, it was a fiasco all right.

Here's what you do to save a buck on GIT.
1. Go to ebates.com and sign up. Right now (I think this week only) they are offering double cash back at fragrancenet.com (12% cash back).
2. sign up for fragrancenet's email list and get a 20% off code (or use basenotes code and get 15% off, but 20% is better)
3. GIT is only $169 for a 4oz bottle. So $169 - 20% = $135 + 12% cash back (roughly...$16?) makes for a...$120 4oz. bottle.
4. Profit

Yes you have to wait a few months for the ebates money, but still, $135 out of your pocket is pretty decent.
If you really want to save more money, save your cap from the old bottle (and box if you care that much) and get a tester bottle (which has no cap and a plain box).
You can save another maybe $20 past that.

Nice tip, Marc. Does this apply to any frag on fragrancenet, or only Creed?
Agreed. I think Schad gets a lot of flack for his over the top opinons, but does a great job at not taking it seriously. And the guy uses a freakin electric shaver!
<3 me some Schad, he really keeps coming up with good topics.

I take it back. I cannot defend a guy who uses an electric shaver....:lol:
Is Aspen cheaper than Cool Water? should look into it if you want to go that route.

Yes. You can buy it as a gift set: two 1.7oz bottles of Aspen for $15.

One 1.7oz bottle of Cool Water will run you about $22.

Cool Water, and Aspen are very similar.

I frequently wear both Cool Water, and Aspen. I also have a pretty large decant of GIT at the moment.

I actually prefer the Cool Water, and Aspen to the GIT (scandalous I know), but Aspen might smell closer to GIT than Cool Water (since it smells more "green"). I find the GIT to be not as complex as Cool Water, or Aspen. The drydown (which many seem to rant about) seems rather bland to my nose.
Anything fragrancenet sells.
Normally the ebates cashback for fragrancenet is 6%, but this week they are running a special at some beauty places for double.
Sephora (8%), Nordstrom (5%), Bodyshop (10%), Drugstore.com (12%).
The 20% off at Fragrancenet comes with signing up for their email list, they send you a code.
Don't be fooled by their list of fragrances though, you have to click into the frag to see if they have it.
For example, they list Tom Ford, but they don't have any of the ones you want to buy like Tuscan Leather. It always seems to be out of stock.
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