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Trying to get a good shave from an Old Type.

A while back, I found an Old Type cheap on EBay. It has a Tech handle, but that's fine by me.

Problem is, I can't get consistent shaves from this thing. I use the same prep every time, the same cream (Headslick, face lathered) and the blades are the same- medical Personnas. That's where the consistency ends.

Some days, I get a shave so close and flawless that it makes me go "Wow. They had it figured out in 1904. Why did they change this?". Other days, I get one that leaves me torn to shreds, reaching for the styptic and with hazel, and today sporting a Bandaid on the chin.

None of my other razors have this inconsistency. The 1912 always gives top-shelf shaves, just have to take the time to be careful. The Superspeed is never as perfect, but always bloodless. The Tech is clean, never a nick. The Slims are darn near perfection, sitting at 4 for the first pass, then 1.

What am I doing wrong?


My elbows leak
Staff member
There is a certain amount of "slop" in the Old.
The blades you're using now are a slightly different shape and thickness.
When you put the blade in, before you tighten it down, make sure it is straight and has even exposure on both sides.
I have been doing that. It doesn't seem to be a question of aggressiveness, as I've used my Slims cranked up to 7 or 8 more than a few times. It's something about the razor that seems inconsistent.

Is there a way to shim the thickness back up? Might that be the trick.
I'll give a shim a try. Got plenty of old blades around. Does the shim go on the comb or cap side?
There is a certain amount of "slop" in the Old.
The blades you're using now are a slightly different shape and thickness.
When you put the blade in, before you tighten it down, make sure it is straight and has even exposure on both sides.

I'm not sure the shim will necessarily fix the problem. Like luvmysupper, I've noticed that several of my old types allow a lot of lateral blade movement until fully tightened, so that if you are not careful when tightening or don't fully tighten, there can considerably more blade exposure on one side making that side overly aggressive and harsh. Have you confirmed that this is not happening to you?
I'm always careful to make sure the blade is centered and that it's tightened down, so I can rule that out. On the really bad shaves, changing sides doesn't help.
I'm always careful to make sure the blade is centered and that it's tightened down, so I can rule that out. On the really bad shaves, changing sides doesn't help.

Are you changing blades (not necessarily type, but just assembling and disassembling the razor) between the good and bad shaves, or will the razor get wonky without even swapping out a blade?
Are you changing blades (not necessarily type, but just assembling and disassembling the razor) between the good and bad shaves, or will the razor get wonky without even swapping out a blade?

I loosen it to clean out hair, then realign it and retighten. I've had good shaves consecutively, so I'm unsure if that's the issue.
I know i'm a noob as I humbly aproach.

I love my 1916 old type with a isreali super stainless blade-centered,a thoroughly hydrated beard,shave oil and a light hand.
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