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TrueFitt&Hill exactly the same quality as a Rooney?

Now I know that the T&H are manufactured by Rooney. But are these like "B" grade Rooney brushes, or are they exactly the same brush with the only difference being the branding on the handle?
Now I know that the T&H are manufactured by Rooney. But are these like "B" grade Rooney brushes, or are they exactly the same brush with the only difference being the branding on the handle?

While I don't have one, I'd guess they're the same. Remember companys like Rooney have traditionally manufactured most of their brushes for the upmarket London boutiques like T&H. I would buy one with confidence. :thumbup1:

ps, there is a claim on the T&H site (the US but not UK one) that their brushes contain 20% more hair than regular Rooneys. I'm sceptical and believe this claim resulted from an enthusiatic copy writer who was trying to differentiate between other brushes in their line (made by Vulfix), and the Rooney made ones.
They are not B grade brushes in any way. T&H doesn't have the capability to produce their own brushes, so they contract with Rooney to make the brushes. Many of the other shaving companies do the same thing with respect to various brush makers. Not all of T&H's brushes are Rooneys, however. The travel brushes and a few others are made by Vulfix. If you are in the US, you get a 20% discount for being a B&B member. Just give them a call if you have any questions, I found them very helpful and I'm happy with the brush I bought.

The "more hair" thing was told to me by a higher up in the company over the phone. I don't a "regular" Rooney to compare it with side by side though.

Now I know that the T&H are manufactured by Rooney. But are these like "B" grade Rooney brushes, or are they exactly the same brush with the only difference being the branding on the handle?
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I have a Rooney 3/2 from T&H. Don't really have anything to compare it to, but it is a fantastic brush. The folks at T&H in Chicago are always very helpful. I really enjoy dealing with them.
I have a Rooney 3/2 from T&H. Don't really have anything to compare it to, but it is a fantastic brush. The folks at T&H in Chicago are always very helpful. I really enjoy dealing with them.

Yeah, but why buy the T&H when you can buy a Rooney for cheaper (even with the 20% rebate)? this is what is puzzling me right now.
The T&H Super Medium (Ronney 3/2) is the same price on both sites ($109). Don't know why the difference in the 3/1.
Yeah, but why buy the T&H when you can buy a Rooney for cheaper (even with the 20% rebate)? this is what is puzzling me right now.

Chalk it up to one of the mysteries of the ages, and buy a Rooney. However, you should also get free shipping (so I hear) if you call in your order to T&H. That's got to be worth at least an additional $5.

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?? what the heck ??

I was shopping for both and I noticed that T&H, same model as the Rooney for the 3/1 Silvertip, is 25$ more!

Here is the Rooney 3/1 in silvertip: 74.99$

And here is the T&H variation: 99.00$!!

Even with the 20% coupon, the real Rooney is less expensive.

Does that make sens to anyone?

The Rooney 3/1 is "Super" and the T&H is their version of "Silvertip". Super is a less expensive grade.
The Rooney 3/1 is "Super" and the T&H is their version of "Silvertip". Super is a less expensive grade.

No, the Rooney 3/1 is a super *silvertip*, which is the version just below the "Finest" in term of quality.
Yes I know that, Super is a lesser grade of *Silvertip* by T&H standards. Take a peek at T&H's badger hair grades.

Yeah, but I think that T&H Silvertip = Rooney's Super Silvertip. Or maybe vintageblades is missing some Rooney grades?
T&H has their own pricing scheme...who knows why they price things the way they do. Sometimes it will be cheaper with the coupon and sometimes it won't be depending on what model of brush you get with a T&H v. Regular Rooney.

And to clear things up, what T&H calls "silvertip" in there Rooney made brushes is in fact the same thing as Rooney's "super silvertip". Don't believe me? call them.

I think the T&H brushes labeled "super" are actually Vulfix made brushes but I'm not sure. You'd have to call T&H and ask.

If you are buying a Rooney made brush from T&H and using the coupon, I'd go with the size 1, small (equivalent to a 1/1) or the Classic, Medium (equivalent to a 3/2) in order to save a few bucks.

The T&H Super Medium (Ronney 3/2) is the same price on both sites ($109). Don't know why the difference in the 3/1.

And to clear things up, what T&H calls "silvertip" in there Rooney made brushes is in fact the same thing as Rooney's "super silvertip". Don't believe me? call them.


Been there. Done that. Got the T&H 1/2 = They're Super Silvertips, so that needs to be taken into account when comparing, as other vendors will have the Genuine Silver grade as well, which is cheaper.

Can't comment on the claims they up-spec the brush density of the T&H's, but if they tried to get any more hair in these, they'd have stuffed the whole badger in there...
The T&H brushes are very nice brushes. I called them prior to ordering mine. They are Rooney brushes, with 15% more silvertip than the Rooney brush. T&H has the ability to buy in volume, so with the BB10 discount the brush is a great deal. I have the Classic Silvertip.
Maybe not. But it's the same exact thing with other UK companies like Trumpers and DR Harris. They contract out the manufacturing of their brushes, razors, soaps, creams, colognes, etc. In most cases, these companies will tell you who makes what in the case of brushes, razors, etc. They're usually dealing with high-end makers so they have nothing to be ashamed of.

I think Edwin Jagger is the only company that makes their own brushes and razors.

Does T&H actually make ANYTHING they put their name on?
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