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Truefitt & Hill Barber Shop - Las Vegas, NV

Good Evening Everyone,

My best friend is getting married in Las Vegas in December of 2010, and in my research I found ou tthat there is a Truefitt & Hill Barber Shop at Caesar's. I asked him if he was interested in a shave and a haircut on his wedding day and to my surprise, he was very interested.

I haven't made a reservation yet, but I was wondering, Has anyone had any experiences at any of the Truefitt & Hill locations in Las Vegas or elsewhere? I have no problem spending the money for my friend on his wedding day, but it is not an inexpensive venture, and if anyone had a bad experience I'd definitely like to know so I could better spend the money elsewhere.

Thanks for the help!

Has your friend gotten a shave before? If not, I'd suggest a test run before the wedding day. I had similar thoughts before my wedding last May, but my wife insisted on a trial run before hand with an Art of Shaving barber. Glad she did, because I came out of the test run with some pretty bad razor burn. It definitely would have impacted pictures etc. Not to mention my own enjoyment of the day. Granted, this was not a Truefitt & Hill shave, so it's not an apples to apples comparison. Hope this helps.
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