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A Scam & A Cautionary Tale

A month or so ago I was perusing a popular sale site and spotted a rather nice, cased Gillette Gold razor. I looked at it carefully and it looked like an Aristocrat. The more I looked the more I realized it was a Diplomat.

I enquired about the condition and the seller sent a few more pics and we discussed price. I offered quite a bit less until I could handle it and then I’d pay the balance. He said no he would need the entire amount. In my excitement I agreed and sent the money to an account that was not his name. Red flag there.

I have heard nothing since. The item is still listed for sale and he is probably fishing for another victim. I requested my money back but it seems I’m blocked from the persons account.

What would keep a person from selling something over and over again? I can’t think of anything really.

You can report the person to FB but I doubt that does anything. You can’t leave a warning or anything.

I just recently I spotted another very similar sale from a different person in the same town (Erie, PA). She obviously has a name she made up for FB sales. She claims to be in another state, but the map says Erie PA.

I think the original seller used his real name. I know where he works and maybe an address and phone number. I’m not sure any of that would help.

There is a level of trust that needs to be extended to both parties when shopping online. Oddly, trust is almost a prerequisite for fraud to take place. “I trusted them with….”. I don’t consider myself a naïve person but when someone violates my trust, that hurts. I’d like to trust people but occasionally I’m reminded that not everyone shares my values.

Other sale sites have methods of ensuring that everything is above board to protect both parties. Facebook does not have any thing in place to make things run smooth. It’s the wild west out there.

Why is it that we assume something needs to be paid for before a transaction is completed? In this case the buyer assumes all risk. At some point the seller has the money and the sale item. Then they can choose to ship or not. How is that any different than the seller assumes the risk and if a buyer is interested, the seller would ship maybe for the cost of shipping. When the buyer is satisfied, they would be bound to pay the balance or return it at their cost. Is that even done

I’m not interested in hearing what I should have done different or do different in the future

So, what is wrong with us? Well, if I knew that, I doubt it would help anything.

So, what can I do? Exactly this…write a letter to my friends here at B&B and remind them to be careful out there.

Now if anyone has any ideas about how to stop this person, I’d be all ears. If you live in Erie PA……………… well.

Thanks for listening and Merry Christmas,


P.S. should B&B have a section where people can report scams?


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
I am sad that this happened. I have been (as I assume everyone has) of this type of thing, less often after having been burned a few times. Call me a slow learner.

I guess that is the price I pay for assuming folks are as honest as I am. Or I try to be.
Sorry to hear this ... Scammers are getting very creative - it is possible that the person you were interacting with wasn't even the person listing the item. I have come across a completely fake shaving/beauty oriented website and one for bar/cocktail supplies. Both do a pretty good job of looking and acting legit. Only after Googling their address' was I able to completely confirm they were fake. Be vigilant folks!
Sorry that you had to deal with this kind of predatory behavior.

In the absence of a third party who is overseeing the whole process, and verifying every step, it seems like online sales, especially marketplaces with quasianonymous participants, are desirable targets for cons. The only other alternative is to have reputation tied to some kind of monetary or other consequential incentive. I sometimes wish there were more resources to turn to to secure these kinds of marketplaces as much as possible.

I'd recommend reporting it in whatever way you can: FB, or the credit card company if that applies, or whoever. It might come to nothing, but you'd be surprised how these threads come together in the end sometimes.
I too have been scammed in the past. i am resolved to be more careful, but it can happen when I'm passionate about something. The first time was trading bootleg CD's in the mid 90's. It was not the last.


Mr. Codgers Neighborhood
That's a shame. I didn't even know you could buy and sell things on FB.

EBay is no better; bad vendors change their identities like a toddler changes diapers. I've had a few bad deals on eBay, but eBay made it right every time.

There are bad people in the world. Liars, thieves, and worse. It's just a fact of life.

Thankfully it was just money you lost.
We do.
Contact any Moderator or use the Contact Us button at the bottom of every page.
Can you clarify? I'm aware of the links at the bottom of the pages. I think reporting to a moderator would only pertain to a scam or issue with B&B and that is not the case in this matter.

I'm thinking more along the lines of a "Scam Central" forum that folks would be able to report scams.

I used to buy and resell shaving gear on B&B, and never had a problem. Buying on ebay was always hit and miss as to condition, but I never paid more than I was willing to lose. I saw a story recently where some guy bought a new iphone and sold his old iphone on ebay. The buyer claimed it was fake. The seller insisted it was real, but ebay ruled in favor of the buyer, and the seller was out $650. I don't sell our old cell phones. Like old PC hard drives, I destroy them using a concrete hammer to pulverize.

Sadly the days of honesty and trust on the internet are long gone (except for B&B). Here's the way it once worked. I was an early Stephen King fan, and still own SK collectables. Some 10-15 years back, I began communicating with a member of a Stephen King on-line fan club in another State, who was their "collectable" guru. I wasn't a member of the forum, but after exchanging emails, he mentioned that his wish was to eventually find a copy of an Eyes of The Dragon signed and numbered book from 1984 that he was able to afford. I told him I had #46 (of 1000) of that book, and he asked what I wanted for it. I knew what it was worth, but said I'd sell it to an SK fan for $630 ($500 over what I paid). He thought it was too low and asked if I knew it was worth almost twice that. I told him that I was happy with the price, knowing that I was passing it along to another SK fan. I sent pics of the book and signature page and he sent me a check. When it cleared I sent him the book, with related materials on it. He passed my name onto other members, and I also sold a few less expensive items and first editions to other forum members at prices they found reasonable.


Self Ignored by Vista
A month or so ago I was perusing a popular sale site and spotted a rather nice, cased Gillette Gold razor. I looked at it carefully and it looked like an Aristocrat. The more I looked the more I realized it was a Diplomat.

I enquired about the condition and the seller sent a few more pics and we discussed price. I offered quite a bit less until I could handle it and then I’d pay the balance. He said no he would need the entire amount. In my excitement I agreed and sent the money to an account that was not his name. Red flag there.

I have heard nothing since. The item is still listed for sale and he is probably fishing for another victim. I requested my money back but it seems I’m blocked from the persons account.

What would keep a person from selling something over and over again? I can’t think of anything really.

You can report the person to FB but I doubt that does anything. You can’t leave a warning or anything.

I just recently I spotted another very similar sale from a different person in the same town (Erie, PA). She obviously has a name she made up for FB sales. She claims to be in another state, but the map says Erie PA.

I think the original seller used his real name. I know where he works and maybe an address and phone number. I’m not sure any of that would help.

There is a level of trust that needs to be extended to both parties when shopping online. Oddly, trust is almost a prerequisite for fraud to take place. “I trusted them with….”. I don’t consider myself a naïve person but when someone violates my trust, that hurts. I’d like to trust people but occasionally I’m reminded that not everyone shares my values.

Other sale sites have methods of ensuring that everything is above board to protect both parties. Facebook does not have any thing in place to make things run smooth. It’s the wild west out there.

Why is it that we assume something needs to be paid for before a transaction is completed? In this case the buyer assumes all risk. At some point the seller has the money and the sale item. Then they can choose to ship or not. How is that any different than the seller assumes the risk and if a buyer is interested, the seller would ship maybe for the cost of shipping. When the buyer is satisfied, they would be bound to pay the balance or return it at their cost. Is that even done

I’m not interested in hearing what I should have done different or do different in the future

So, what is wrong with us? Well, if I knew that, I doubt it would help anything.

So, what can I do? Exactly this…write a letter to my friends here at B&B and remind them to be careful out there.

Now if anyone has any ideas about how to stop this person, I’d be all ears. If you live in Erie PA……………… well.

Thanks for listening and Merry Christmas,


P.S. should B&B have a section where people can report scams?

If you have his address...I know a couple of guys in New York that would be happy to pay him a visit and have a "talk" with him. :001_rolle

You might also try here . The FTC is sssssllllllloooooowwwww but it may help.


System Generated
I'm trying to figure this one out

So you saw a razor listed as the wrong one. I assume you got excited as the one in the pictures was worth more than the one it was presented as. You low-balled him, didn't tell him the correct razor was worth more. You offered partial payment. He refused and you sent full payment via money transfer or similar (not PayPal G&S) to a Facebook listing and an email that didn't correlate with the name of the person selling.

Is this accurate or did I misread the initial post.

Either way, report to Facebook. The police won't do anything in a situation like this, but it may be worth reporting online, in case of a pattern of for fraud statistics.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Can you clarify? I'm aware of the links at the bottom of the pages. I think reporting to a moderator would only pertain to a scam or issue with B&B and that is not the case in this matter.

I'm thinking more along the lines of a "Scam Central" forum that folks would be able to report scams.

I'm referring to any scams HERE.

Other sites are other sites and we can't host a "Heresay Central" forum.
I'm trying to figure this one out

So you saw a razor listed as the wrong one. I assume you got excited as the one in the pictures was worth more than the one it was presented as. You low-balled him, didn't tell him the correct razor was worth more. You offered partial payment. He refused and you sent full payment via money transfer or similar (not PayPal G&S) to a Facebook listing and an email that didn't correlate with the name of the person selling.

Is this accurate or did I misread the initial post.

Either way, report to Facebook. The police won't do anything in a situation like this, but it may be worth reporting online, in case of a pattern of for fraud statistics.
It was listed as "1953 gillette 24k gold plated safety razor"(Actual listing). It was clean and in a nice case and had an old gillette razor dispenser. I offered less until such time as I could take delivery and look it over. If it looked good I'd pay the balance. Since I was paying what he was asking there was no "low-ball" offer made. I thought the price was fair. Not a steal but a fair price I was willing to pay.

Reporting to FB involves checking a box on the listing and that is it. I don't think FB has a phone# or a method of reporting fraud. I they do please let me know.


System Generated
It was listed as "1953 gillette 24k gold plated safety razor"(Actual listing). It was clean and in a nice case and had an old gillette razor dispenser. I offered less until such time as I could take delivery and look it over. If it looked good I'd pay the balance. Since I was paying what he was asking there was no "low-ball" offer made. I thought the price was fair. Not a steal but a fair price I was willing to pay.

Reporting to FB involves checking a box on the listing and that is it. I don't think FB has a phone# or a method of reporting fraud. I they do please let me know.
Ok. That makes more sense now.

Hopefully you aren't out too much and it wasn't a super costly lesson. I would just click the FB report and move on.

It sucks but it's only money. Don't let it get you too worked up, it's not worth it in the end.
I've NEVER had any issues with the BST here. I did have an issue once with a PIF once. But I was out nothing and the person disappeared from the forum. It may have been a health issue so I hope no ill will.
FB marketplace is...not great...precisely because of this kind of stuff, and FB doesn't care. I have bought and sold a few low value items, only local deals, where I or the other party could look over the items in person. Cash only, for me, although I think my wife did venmo for something she sold. If a platform doesn't have reasonable buyer protections, I'm not giving (or accepting) any money until the item has been examined in person.

Ebay, it's so far in favor of buyers now that it's a wonder anybody sells there at all. But I'm a lot more willing to spend my money as a result, and that's the way they like it.

I doubt the cops would do anything, even if you got the right jurisdiction, unless you paid a LOT more for the razor than I imagine you did.
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