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Trouble Spots

I figure we've all got at least one trouble spot. For me, they're on the sides of my chin, below the corner of my mouth, between my cheeks and my chin and above my jaw line. If I don't stretch my skin in this area, it seems like no matter what razor I use, I always leave stubble behind. If I do stretch my skin here or if I use a Progress at 4.5, I get pretty close, but I also get pretty irritated. Does anyone else have difficulty in this spot? Any suggestions?
I don't tend to stretch my skin too much, otherwise that particular area becomes very red and irritated.

I find moving my head up, down side to side does the trick to achieve a BBS.
I have two problem areas:

1) My right upper lip, where there exists a childhood scar that required stitches. There is more, or less a permanent bump there, and the hairs around it are very stubborn.

Sometimes in my attempt at perfection, I over shave this area, resulting in the bump being nicked open.

I do it far less now then when I was brand new: 3 months ago, I was nearly guaranteed to nick this open (or re-nick it open) every shave, and had pretty much accepted that was the way it was always going to be.

2) My right lower neck: I am left handed, which apparently results in this area being left with stubble. I have to blade buffer the stubble off to get a presentable shave.
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I have problems in the same area, as well as under my chin.

For my 4th (buffing) pass, I add some water to my lather so it's a bit runny, which helps keep everything lubricated while buffing.

It helps to double-check which way the grain grows in this area. I find I have to buff diagonally from my chin toward my ear to get it, so I switch hands with the razor depending on which side I'm buffing.
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