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Triple A

I was thinking about joining Triple A (AAA). I would like to know what level to go in at and some pointers or if it is even worth it. I would like the piece of mind for my wife and son and would like to join at the basic level unless others have had reason to go into the plus or premier level. I do not have an RV it would be myself and two associates.
To me it's worth it for the peace of mind, and worth it again for the ease of use.Each paid member is allowed 5 calls a year and they will bail you out for almost anything.Flat tire,out of gas,overheating,locked out,etc.The service is on the person, not the car, so if your son or daughter is riding with someone else, they are still covered.
My wife and I are "Plus" members. I do a lot of driving around Minnesota for work. With the upgraded membership, I can be towed back to a garage of my choice, not the closest AAA affiliated one. I've only used the extended tow service once, but it was nice to be towed to a mechanic I knew and trusted.
We have had the standard membership since the 70's.

It can be pretty lonely out there without the comfort that help is just a phone call away.

We also use the AAA for reduced ticket prices to all the theme parks in the Orlando area which pays our fees several times over.
The service is on the person, not the car, so if your son or daughter is riding with someone else, they are still covered.

That is enough to sell me knowing that my family is protected no matter who there with. That could be priceless with a youngster in school. I am going to join, I am going to be going to an evening work schedule and need the protection and knowing that it is there. Not to mention the savings on purchases that Maneac spoke of.

Any other tips would be appreciated. Thanks Ron
I've belonged for a lot of years and have used the services several times. Not only that, I update my maps annually. They have the tour books and lots of discounts at many places for members.
I recently dropped AAA after several years of membership. The catalyst for me was unreturned calls from their travel agency service, plus far better hotel discounts from other sources and GPS pretty much eliminating the utility of the triptik. Your car insurance company may provide similar roadside protection at minimal cost -- ours does, though do check out reviews of such protection (timeliness, etc.), as service likely varies by insurer. Fortunately, I've not had to use mine yet!
Triple AAA although sold nationwide is only as good as the service in your area, it can be really good if you live near a city that has several participating AAA garages or even great if you live near or in a bigger city that AAA has there own trucks but it can also be terrible if you are in a small town with no AAA afiliation particularly when you are broken down after hours.

If you live in an area with good coverage getting and in particular I would say getting it for your wife or gf (whatever) who primarily drives just a few miles back and forth to work and may need a jump or a tire change or tow rarely and stays in "local" area it can be a good investment, if you are getting it with plans of needing it when breaking down in the middle of no where you will probably be disappointed.
I had the highest level membership when I used to tour manage bands, only used it 4 times but once was to get us towed 300miles to the town we had to play in that night for nothing but the standard fee (and a $150 tip/ bribe). We totally made our set time and bought a new vas the next day for $200 over the scrap value of the old one.

Punk Rock.
Thanks for all the great post. I will be checking the local reviews and with my insurance company as Gruder suggested.
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