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Tried Mantic tip- what do others think

This morning just for the heck of it I tried a tip I saw in a Mantic vid to use hair conditioner in the shower on my beard for a couple of minutes before rinsing off. I grabbed my wife's conditioner and gave it is a go. The shave seemed better then normal, but it could just be a placebo effect. Has anyone else tried this tip and did it seem to work for you?
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I used "Dove Daily Moisture Therapy Conditioner" as a pre-shave for quite a few months. Seemed to work just fine. Presently I have two giant containers of KMF, so I have been using that instead. :tongue_sm
I have a two in one shampoo / conditioner. I always rub my stubbles w/ it. It seems to soften them up.
This morning just for the heck of it I tried Mantic's tip to use hair conditioner in the shower on my beard for a couple of minutes before rinsing off. I grabbed my wife's conditioner and gave it is a go. The shave seemed better then normal, but it could just be a placebo effect. Has anyone else tried this tip and did it seem to work for you?

I use Aussie 3 Minute Miracle. It very well could be a placebo effect as you say, but it seems to work for me. Or not. :001_huh: To be honest, I really can't feel a noticeable difference. Regardless if it gives noticeable results or not, it doesn't hurt to use it, so I use it anyway.

I admit he haves good tips, but being a North-South pass shaver since 16 years, i can not think about doing like him, WTG -ATG-XTG, that tear my face apart.
Just for the record, these are not "my" tips. I take what I see on the discussion forums and use them in the videos. :001_smile

Just for the record, these are not "my" tips. I take what I see on the discussion forums and use them in the videos. :001_smile



No offense intended. Edited original post. Love your videos and saw this idea in one, tried it, seemed to work- only seeking confirmation.

Best, Richard
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No offense intended. Love your videos and saw this idea in one, tried it, seemed to work- only seeking confirmation.

Best, Richard
None taken, Richard. I periodically "put it out there" lest some of the newer folk think I'm taking the credit for someone else's idea.
I'm a fan of letting my facial hair grow and I religiously use conditioner in the beard but I never notice it to be any softer after I do. Then again wire grows out of my face so I can't expect too much... I'm serious if I grew my beard long enough you could braid it and it would have a higher breaking tension than those big steel cables! So back on track, I wouldn't expect a huge difference in using it or not. I'd say partial placebo with, at most, a minor softening of the stubble. But hey, for stubble it doesn't use much so if it helps keep at it! :thumbup1:
Part of the trick to this ( I think) is to rub it in well with your finger tips and let it sit on your face a couple minutes before rinsing off. This works for me.
How do people compare this to the hot towel prep, if time was not of importance???

Might give a try for my next shave.
Meh...I've gotten good shaves both using the technique and going sans conditioner...lately I've gone very minimal in my shaving routine. Less is more and all :)
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