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Traveling by Plane with Shave Soaps

I'm wondering if TSA has any objection to shave soaps. I'm meeting my parents in San Francisco in about two weeks for my cousin's wedding. I want to teach my dad (and maybe my uncle and cousin) the art of traditional shaving. Though my dad used to shave this way, he never really knew the possibilities and gave it up for an electric a long time ago. I've already mailed some Astras to my aunt's house. I'm going to try to get a few vintage Gillettes on the plane -- nothing too valuable, just good basic razors that would make nice starters (a Tech and a couple of Superspeeds). I'll also bring a horsehair shaving brush (the #6 Turkish) and my Wee Scott. I'd like to bring an Arko stick and a puck of VDH. Again, just basics. But if TSA is going to confiscate, I'll lose the soaps and pick up a puck of VDH upon arrival. What do you think?
I've never had problems traveling with them checked or carry on. You can always check the TSA site or call your airline if you're uncertain.
I had a TSA make me open my Tabac bowl because he said it is larger than 3oz

I said it is soap, and showed him. He said OK and I was on my way.
should be fine. or you can carry just your arko.
If there was any product that TSA would have a problem with I would think Arko or The Veg would be it...

Pucks of VDH shouldn't be a problem. TSA might or might not get curious about soap in a wood, metal or plastic container. Shaving or aftershave creams over 3 ounces are a definite no-no.
From what I have gleaned about TSA rules, shaving soaps are considered a solid and are hence unregulated. Shaving creams, however, are considered a "gel" and are subject to the 3 ounce rule. Lesson to be learned: fly with soaps and leave your creams at home (or pack them in 3 oz. containers that are TSA-compliant)!
I'm wondering if TSA would object to a soft soap like Razorock XXX. To be on the safe side, I'll leave it home for my upcoming trip and travel with Arko. (But then, maybe even a Turkish label--despite Turkey's EU aspirations--would trigger the TSA alarm. Maybe safer to bring a Wilkinson Sword stick?)
if your shaving,,,,,,,pry not a terrorist anyway.

do i have to apologies to all terrorist now so they wont be offended? i dont want to get sued.
This is a timely thread. I will be traveling next week to Las Vegas and it will be the first time I've flown in years (since starting classic shaving, anyway). Because it's only for a couple of days, I will be carrying on everything I am bringing. I would rather not waste time at the luggage claim. I plan on bringing some creams in tiny containers and a common Tech. My main problem is that I have been trying to figure out a way to bring one or two of my beloved Gillette Super Platinum blades with me. Surely they wouldn't object to two wrapped and safely stowed in my shaving kit.
This is a timely thread. I will be traveling next week to Las Vegas and it will be the first time I've flown in years (since starting classic shaving, anyway). Because it's only for a couple of days, I will be carrying on everything I am bringing. I would rather not waste time at the luggage claim. I plan on bringing some creams in tiny containers and a common Tech. My main problem is that I have been trying to figure out a way to bring one or two of my beloved Gillette Super Platinum blades with me. Surely they wouldn't object to two wrapped and safely stowed in my shaving kit.

Wrong, wrong, wrong...razor blades are expressly prohibited, and if they find them, you will end up unnecessarily detained while you and the rest of your luggage is searched for the daggers, explosives, handguns, and other dangerous items that you've obviously hidden. :wink2: Please don't try this.
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