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"Traveler's" shaving brush

Some time ago I had a shaving brush that had a metal handle (nickel plated brass as I recall) and a cover that screwed on to the handle so the brush could be carried in a shaving kit, protecting the bristles. Someone "borrowed" it from my luggage on a trip and I have had no luck locating a replacement. Thought someone here might know what I am talking about and maybe know of a source. Thanks.
First, welcome to B&B.

The travel shaving brush you are asking about is called a turnback shaving brush and a number of different shaving brush companies make it. Vulfix, Omega, and Simpson make one kind but I don't know if there product is made out of metal. Muhle and Dovo make a product that is made out of metal. Do a search on turnback shaving brushes and you will get some buying info.
You could also get a Simpson Wee Scot and store it in a pill container. I drilled holes in a pill container to allow for air flow and it fits right in. Easy to travel with and dries quickly. I know it is not what you had, but it works.
I have a Whipped Dog 16 mm that was delivered last week and I'm traveling with it now. It works very well for a travel brush. I used it a couple of days last week before allowing it to dry before packing, and it was easy to get accustomed to. Whipped Dog is discontinuing them due to lack of demand, so if it interest you, you need to hurry. Last I knew he only had six left. You will have a hard time finding a travel silvertip at such a low price ($20.00 including shipping).
I have a seemingly insane quesiton. I'm in the same boat as this gentleman and trying to decide between the Might Midget, Bambino, and Lil' Runt, all made by Omega. I'm trying to get a size reference. Does anyone with a Bambino know if it will fit into the smallest script vial of a Walgreens bottle? Sorry I'm trying to find a brush that fits one of those tubes or the next size larger well, without bouncing around a lot. Thanks in advance for any help.
Muhle Travel brush is a great concept, but the most common one is "Pure Badger" and it is very skritchy. I have seen it advertized in a higher grade, but I don't recall where. The Simpson Case is a great small brush that fits in a plastic container. I recommend it over the Muhle in Pure Badger. (I used to have the Muhle but I sold it and bought the Case)
Try a Simpson Case and then get the matching travel tube for it, which is $5 most places that sell it.
I have a seemingly insane quesiton. I'm in the same boat as this gentleman and trying to decide between the Might Midget, Bambino, and Lil' Runt, all made by Omega. I'm trying to get a size reference. Does anyone with a Bambino know if it will fit into the smallest script vial of a Walgreens bottle? Sorry I'm trying to find a brush that fits one of those tubes or the next size larger well, without bouncing around a lot. Thanks in advance for any help.

That is not a seemingly insane question. :a47:
Ok just an insane question then! I'm one of those weird people that likes things just so. Since I can't go to a store and measure I'm hoping for some insight before purchasing! Think it will complement my little leather pouch break down Merkur.
Almost everything labeled as a travel item is over-priced and under-performing. Just pack your regular shave gear, subject to the rules of the TSA. http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Tsa

And remember the rule that you don't want to take anything on the road that you can't afford to lose. This would include heirloom razors, one-of-a-kind, vintage, handmade or LE brushes, expensive and hard to replace soaps, creams, ASLs, etc.
Ok just an insane question then! I'm one of those weird people that likes things just so. Since I can't go to a store and measure I'm hoping for some insight before purchasing! Think it will complement my little leather pouch break down Merkur.

:thumbup1: Welcome home brother.
Almost everything labeled as a travel item is over-priced and under-performing. Just pack your regular shave gear, subject to the rules of the TSA. http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Tsa

And remember the rule that you don't want to take anything on the road that you can't afford to lose. This would include heirloom razors, one-of-a-kind, vintage, handmade or LE brushes, expensive and hard to replace soaps, creams, ASLs, etc.

Is that in the Wiki?
Is that in the Wiki?
If its not in the Wiki, it should be.

It should go without saying, but some people might not think of it. There are numerous tales of people that have lost precious gear by leaving it behind in a hotel room, lost baggage, thievery, or an encounter with an over-eager TSA Inspector.

The link I provided before is info gathered together in the B&B Wiki.
Here are links to the TSA's own word on the subject ...

And for reference while traveling, there are TSA Apps for Iphone, Android, and Mobile Web.
Thanks for the tip. I bought the Vulfix, arrived today and it looks great. Not exactly the same as the one I lost, but it is as good.
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