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Howdy, Gents,

I was in Wilmington, NC, for Christmas and I had my folks pick up a few things for me from Bowman Barber and Beauty Supply, chief among them a bottle of Master's 'Topaz' aftershave splash. Not sure how to describe the scent, exactly, although it has a definite 'powdery' note to it. It performs well and the scent definitely has some staying power. My fiancee kissed me after and then kept sniffing and kissing and I said, "Well?" and she said, "Mmmmmm, you smell like a man"

Guess I'll keep that one in the rotation! :w00t:

For all the fancy shmancy aftershaves out there she loves the offerings from Master along with Clubman and AV the best. Nice! :thumbup:
Just another contented shaver piling on the accolades for Topaz. Although I enjoy Master Bay Rum and Challenge, I like Topaz the best of their whole line.
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