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Too many bowl games?

Despite being a fan of most major college and professional sports, I tend to think that most seasons (particularly professional) are just too long -- NBA finals in June, World Series games in November, etc. But this year, for some reason, I am just plain tired of college bowl games. I don't think I'm being overly nostalgic when I suggest that bowl games used to mean something to the college football fan. When I was a kid in the 60s/70s, there were about a dozen games, but this year, there are over 30 different bowls.

I know that there is lots of money driving the bowl games, but seems like any team with a 6 and 6 season can find itself in a bowl. (And on a related note, a friend of mine played in the Rose Bowl years ago and proudly wears his Rose Bowl ring. I just can't imagine having the same pride in showing off my GoDaddy.com Bowl ring.)

Am I alone in my crabbiness here?


You are not alone my friend....I agree! They need to get rid of all these cheap *** bowl games, get rid of the stupid BCS and have an actual playoff system.


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Agreed, but entertainment rackets always flourish in a Depression. Besides, if there weren't so many meaningless bowls how could all the losing record teams get to Florida on someone else's dime? And if all the marketing & sales charlatans who get a cut of the foolishness were forced to find honest employment, what would the effect be on the unemployment rate ?
If it isn't a BCS bowl they can do away with rest. Watching a team just over .500 in a bowl game without a play off system is nothing exciting.
I've been ranting about the BCS or as I call it the Bull Crap System for years. We need to go to a playoff system and then into bowls for division championships maybe rotate the bowls as the national championship start with the Rose bowl. Playoffs are doable and I'm tired of the ESPN guys telling us there not.
I like watching good competitive football games. The bowl system suits me fine.

But, yes, there are too many bowl games.

I liked it fine in the good ole days when being in a New Years Day bowl was a great achievement.
I am with everyone that there is way too many bowl games. I know corporate sponsors want to spend money but who cares if your team went to the Insight.com Bowl, The Armed Forces Bowl, The Pinstripe Bowl, and The New Mexico Bowl. Heck my alma mater sucked so bad this year they did not even get a bowl bid
I am with everyone that there is way too many bowl games. I know corporate sponsors want to spend money but who cares if your team went to the Insight.com Bowl, The Armed Forces Bowl, The Pinstripe Bowl, and The New Mexico Bowl. Heck my alma mater sucked so bad this year they did not even get a bowl bid

Hard to believe your school didn't get a bowl game there are so many now a days. :lol:
Hello jbird,

You are not alone.

While I am not that much of a college football fan, I used to look forward to watching the Pac-10 champion face off against the Big-10 champion on New Year's Day in the Rose Bowl ("the granddaddy of 'em all"). It was THE game to watch.

On a side note, they do need to do away with the BCS system and perhaps limit the regular season to divisional games in order to make room for a playoff system.

Hello jbird,

You are not alone.

While I am not that much of a college football fan, I used to look forward to watching the Pac-10 champion face off against the Big-10 champion on New Year's Day in the Rose Bowl ("the granddaddy of 'em all"). It was THE game to watch.

On a side note, they do need to do away with the BCS system and perhaps limit the regular season to divisional games in order to make room for a playoff system.



I would have to agree with you on that point. The Rose Bowl (and all its surrounding pageantry) was an event, and there were conference bragging rights at stake. There was some real excitement, for example, in watching Northwestern running the table in the Big 10 in '95 and playing USC on New Year's day. Sadly, the Rose Bowl has lost its luster.

When there teams with a .500 record (or worse) playing in a bowl game, I think it's safe to say the system need a bit of retooling.
While I'm in support of a playoff and not a bowl system....Yes. There shoud only be 3 bowl games. The 3 champions from each of the 6 BCS conferences can play each other. Why should we award runners-up with another game that doesn't matter? That's like the youth leagues these days not keeping score.
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