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Tony Hooked My Wife Up!

Did that get your attention? Pervs! :biggrin:

I thought it'd be worth mentioning what a great brush Tony (aka PenWorks) from The Golden Nib.com sold me for my wife. It's a 24mm Finest knot stuffed in a superbly shaped pink acrylic handle.


I'm so blown away with the performance of this brush I can't tell you. It holds a bucket full of water, soaps up from the puck great, whips lather like a machine, it's soooooo incredibly soft to the touch, and has good backbone to boot! :cool:

Only bad thing is it's pink which keeps me from stealing it back. I'm going to get this same knot (if possible) for my vintage butterscotch handle.

What a great brush and Tony made the purchase real easy. He's got a new customer. :)

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