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Tom's of Maine Deodorant. What are your thoughts?


Needs milk and a bidet!
I've been using the Crystal Alum stick for a long time now. It worked wonderfully in the winter. Now that summer is in full swing and I am sweating a lot more, especially at work, I notice that it hasn't been doing a great job at keeping the underarm funk at bay.

So I went on the hunt for some deo. Thought I would try something new besides the normal guy sticks. I picked up Tom's of Maine to give it a try. The scent isn't that bad, and I'm looking for one that wont leave yellow pit stains on my shirts.

Anyone use this before? Thoughts?

Absolutely horrible for my underarms. It goes on fine but an hr in it just froths up under your arms as you move around. It's like having a head of beer under there. I was never dry and the odor protection is maybe 3 hrs.
Tom's of Maine is good stuff. But too expensive.

I use Trader Joe's unscented stick with cotton fibers.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Absolutely horrible for my underarms. It goes on fine but an hr in it just froths up under your arms as you move around. It's like having a head of beer under there. I was never dry and the odor protection is maybe 3 hrs.
:scared: if I experience this it will hit the trash! "froths up under your arms"....good lord! no thanks.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Yes, they serve to wick up perspiration.


The Amazon price is ridiculous. $12.95 per two-pack + $4.95 shipping? They're only $2.99 each at the store.
well shucks darn it, ya really do learn something new everyday!

There is a Trader Joes about 6 miles from me. If the Tom's does not preform how I want it to then I'll pick up some of this.

of course now that I've bought one deodorant I'll have to buy about 3 more different kinds.
I've been using alum right after the shower, then once dry, Tom's Unscented. Been doing this for about a month now and it has worked out great so far. I used to use the Clinical strength antiperspirant and I sweat more with that then I do now.


Needs milk and a bidet!
couple days using it now and I'm not impressed.

I apply the Crystal alum stick and then this.

There is a sticky feeling under my arms for about the first 2 hours. Then it's just pasty damp all day. I don't profusely sweat as if I'm working out but I sweat from the things I do at work and so far this has worked about as good as using just the alum. Not as bad as if I used nothing, but the faint scent of funky pits is enough to make me look for something else.

ah well, don't know if ya don't try!

Now what the heck do I do with this?
I tried Dove Men's deodorant instead of my usual old spice anti-antiperspirant this week and after 2 days realized that it does a decent job of covering up smell for about 4-6 hours depending on amount used. It's advertised as 48h protection! :lol:

My pits don't often sweat, but when I'm hot enough I can feel the perspiration build up and drip on my side, which I thought the antiperspirant made me sweat a bit at times, after trying deodorant alone I've realized sticking w/ my old spice stand-by is a good idea. I use the fresh scent (white "cake" variety).
Big Tom's fan here, mowed the lawn this PM, temp about 88, humidity out the roof, pits still decent smelling. This stuff lasts all day plus with me on a normal day
I use an Osma alum block after I shave (face THEN pits!) and once it's dry, Arm and Hammer antiperspirant. I re-apply after about 6 hours, but my nickname when I was at a god-forsaken cess pit in Louisiana (Fort Polk) was "the human salt lick." So I'm a sweaty dude all the time. Tons of fun, I know!


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
I only use Lafe's Deodorant Stick. It's the same as the Thai Deodorant.
It is just potassium Alum.
Works great for me. No underarm funk even after a 16 hour shift working outdoors in the South Texas Summer.
gotta love it!
The Tom's deodorant doesn't work for me. I use the Crystal rock and it has been effective during the hot summer. The key is to wet it and cover your underarms thoroughly. I probably apply the rock for 30 seconds to a minute.
Tom's did nothing to calm my manly smell. I tried several natural deodorants and they all failed miserably. Mitchum's does the trick though, and you can get it anywhere.

Now what the heck do I do with this?
You can do what I did; twist out the Tom's into the trash and recycle the empty bottle!
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I tried it, used for a few days until one day, half way through the day, it gave out. Pretty embarrassing if you don't have any thing to re-apply. Makes a guy real self conscious for the rest of the day. I threw it out when I got home. What a waste of money. Now I use Mitchum roll on. It was on sale one day and I picked up a few bottles. It takes a while to dry and is kind of sticky for the first few minutes, but I can go days without reapplication if I had to. Its also mostly unscented
My first non anti-prespirent (read: just deodorant) was Thai crystal, which was nice. No scent, and it protected from B.O. except for extremely hot and/or hard working days and when the pits are regularly cleaned. Same for all deodorants, I suppose. I really like Burt's Bees Outdoor spray deodorant. Smells good, but wears off quickly so other scents can be applied. Works well enough. I apply it when I wake up, and before I go to bed, and of course after showers. Earns my seal of approval.
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