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Toilet Paper Roll Shave Stick

Since I started using a shave (Arko) stick this year I had to do something with my many VDH pucks.

One is I use the pucks as a shower soap.:001_smile

The other is to make the VDH into a shave stick.

So today I got a toilet paper cardboard roll and filled it with VDH after I liquefied it in the microwave.

Poured it into the roll and let it cool. Then I removed the cardboard by soaking it under hot water and pulling it off.

Can't wait to try it tomorrow.:001_smile
That is a deadset awesome idea!
Very resourceful and creative of you.
Post some picks of it when you're done, yeah?
Great idea. Would never have thought to use a toilet roll tube; but I have used a small piece of plastic plumbing pipe. I greased the inside with glycerine and rammed in shredded left over mug soaps. Worked OK for quite a while then it started to fall apart.
That is a deadset awesome idea!
Very resourceful and creative of you.
Post some picks of it when you're done, yeah?

Gave my new VDH stick a try this morning.

Works just great. Love using a stick over a lather bowl etc.

When I started to face lather the VDH just exploded on my beard.

Give it a try mates!

Sorry no pics.
What a coinicidence! I was just thinking about that this morning, only with regard to what to do with leftover soap when it's worn all the way down to the bottom and there's only a bit on the sides. I hit upon the idea of melting it and pouring it into an empty toilet paper roll. That would make just a small disk (since there wouldn't be much soap left) rather than an actual shave stick, but the idea was then to take the disc and rub it onto the beard.

I figured this way I wouldn't waste any soap.

Incredible that I was just wondering about using an empty toilet paper roll in this fashion this morning, and then I come on here and see that somebody actually did it.
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