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Toggle wanters should check the Bay for a BIN

I don't think I would pay that much for one with so much plating loss. The doors are almost naked!!
king gillete from ebay dont sell crap and her descriptions are on point. i have her as my fav seller and her feedback 100 precent with more than 3000 gillettes sold, i think thats pretty good.............

Whoa there . . .

I don't think anybody was accusing the eBay seller of selling <expletive deleted>. The seller's feedback score and percentage of positive feedback would not lead me to that conclusion!

The point I was making (and the seller's pictures confirm my point) is that the plating appears to be almost totally worn from the doors. With that much plating loss I would not pay that high of a price for the razor, even though it is a Toggle. Other members posted similar observations.

I have seen Toggles with better plating sell for less money . . . but if there is a willing buyer, it will sell, regardless of my (humble) opinion.
Not that it matters now, but I think the apparent condition of the plating may have been partly due to the blue color of the background.
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