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TI: Historique or New Forging?

Hey everyone,

So, I'm currently looking to get together the funds to finance the purchase of a new TI from Rasurpur. I've narrowed it down to two choices, and am leaning heavily towards the 'Sans Marque' Historique blade (which definitely was the first TI to really appeal to me, and lord is it gorgeous), but have had my eye caught by one of the New Forgings as well (the French/Square nose 6/8 in horn). Does anyone have any experience with either of these razors? Or general experiences with either the Historique line or the New Forgings (with the new fangled steel I believe)? Or even better, both of them! Any direction you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Easy answer for me. Historique. I have an earlier release of the 'Sans Marque' and really enjoy it. Thanks for reminding me that I haven't used it far too long!
Care to expound on that?


First of all, I have a decided preference for old steel. My perception is completely, utterly biased but, in a general sense, I find it to be smoother.

Secondly, I've had too many QC issues with TI's new production stuff and far fewer (read: none) with their Historique line. Admittedly, the problems I experienced were with the prior processing method but I'd be hard pressed to buy or recommend something from the new line until I've heard enough to know that TI has reformed its ways.

Thirdly, unless my eyes deceive me, I have an earlier iteration of that Historique razor. It is a very heavy grind, possibly quite close to a wedge (I haven't looked at it in a while). There just aren't that many TIs with a similarly heavy grind.

Perhaps most importantly, it is a very nice shaving razor.
Hmmm, well that is definitely a big vote for the Historique! I hadn't realized it was not a full hollow (I've just fired off an email to Martin to check on the grind), which adds a whole new element into the deliberations. I think I'm leaning more towards hollow grinds these days, but might have to make an exception for that beauty.
I have wondered this very question. I finally decided on the new forging in the OP's pic. After reading Joel's review of the Silverwing I had high hopes for the new forgings. Now I have doubts, I have never been so indecisive in my life choosing a new str8 is a real grind, what a dilemma :001_huh:
that historic forging looks so much like LeGrelot except the spine work and the grind.
One big Plus on historic steel is its more pure than current steel.
One big Plus on historic steel is its more pure than current steel.
I find this statement quite interesting...

Steel is a mixture of elements. Carbon Steel is mostly Iron, with some Carbon and a few bits of other things mixed in with it. Stainless Steel has a fairly high amount of Chromium in addition to Carbon. so when you say "historic steel is more pure" I don't really quite know what you mean. Modern metallurgical methods are quite a bit more controlled than old methods, so newer forgings are likely to be quite a bit "more pure" as they won't have contaminants that previously weren't even known about in them...
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I find this statement quite interesting...

Steel is a mixture of elements. Carbon Steel is mostly Iron, with some Carbon and a few bits of other things mixed in with it. Stainless Steel has a fairly high amount of Chromium in addition to Carbon. so when you say "historic steel is more pure" I don't really quite know what you mean. Modern metallurgical methods are quite a bit more controlled than old methods, so newer forgings are likely to be quite a bit "more pure" as they won't have contaminants that previously weren't even known about in them...
a lot of the current steel is has recycled steels in it, and purifying it is pretty expensive process.
First off, I would consider the grind and size more important than whether or not a razor is made out of new or old steel. Do you know what the grind is on these razors? TI's are really great razors, but every one I've owned has been a pain to hone. My favorite is my 3 year old 6/8 blonde horn with sheffield steel, it's a singing razor which I prefer over all other grinds. It shaves as well as any other razor I've tried of a similar size and grind including my vintage puma gold, and my gold bug.

just my 2cents;
I just bought a new Rasurpur special 6/8 Hen&Rooster with blonde Horn,
it is still to arrive but I will comment on it after Christmas :thumbup:
Just heard back from Martin (that was quick!), apparently as it's currently sold out, he's waiting to see what the next ones are like when they arrive from the factory. As they are apparently out of the 1/4 hollow blanks, it'll most likely be a 3/4 or full hollow. Have to wait and see I guess!

just my 2cents;
I just bought a new Rasurpur special 6/8 Hen&Rooster with blonde Horn,
it is still to arrive but I will comment on it after Christmas :thumbup:

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the razor when it arrives, please keep us updated!


Dear sirs
I am from Greece and I ordered a straight razor SANS MARQUE. Does anyone know the year this razor firstly manufactured?
I would pick the razor on the left. But then, I like razors with white or lighter-coloured scales. Also, round-points are a bit more forgiving. My regular shaver is 4/8 French point, and while it works great, it doesn't always give the risk-free shaving of my 6/8 rounder.
Historic is interesting stuff. I have found the steel a bit on the soft side. On the other hand, the new stuff can be a bit stiff. Either way, I don't think you will really go wrong either way.
#1 - Historic and for one reason, they're historic. What do I mean by that? Well, right now you can get 'em, but in 2-3 years you won't be able to, and they'll be worth a lot more $. In 2-3 years a "new" razor with a "new" design won't be rare, or special and will likely be readily available. Bottom line: get the historic you like NOW and the "new forging" whenever you get around to it as you likely won't have that option in the future. Shaving wise - one isn't better than the other. The steel is different and the newer ones are harder, but both honed in the same manner will provide lovely shaves.

#2 - I love Martin - he's a great guy and offers superb service. With that said - don't buy either one of those razors. Why? They're too expensive. Get this historic from shavecenter - and if you're so compelled to spend another $100 to make it on par (cost wise) with the others you're looking at, then send it out to one of the incredible artists we've got here on the forum to do an incredible custom re-scale job - you should be able to get some mighty cool scales for $100 - and you'll end up with a MUCH cooler, more original piece. In my opinion ALL stock TI scales are very poorly made - but with that said, some folks gush over the quality of Livi's :frown2:
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