Huzzah for Derby!
Not only are Derby Extra some of the finest blades on the market in the US but the men in charge of Derby International are some of the finest gentlemen.
As mentioned in this thread concerning my bad experience with the Could Be Lord blades that I purchased on Ebay the good folks of Derby International have more than made up for the bad experience I recieved from the other company and vendor with a one time offer for me that is too good to even describe
I recieved all my blades from them today so I wanted to publicly tip my hat to them and thank them while letting everyone know that their service is as good as the quality of their products.
Not only are Derby Extra some of the finest blades on the market in the US but the men in charge of Derby International are some of the finest gentlemen.
As mentioned in this thread concerning my bad experience with the Could Be Lord blades that I purchased on Ebay the good folks of Derby International have more than made up for the bad experience I recieved from the other company and vendor with a one time offer for me that is too good to even describe
