I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I'm sure it's a combination of things.
My blade was kind of "scooting" rather than gliding.
Are you supposed to shave if your skin is already irritated and bumpy?
I'm pretty sure I just made it way worse.
After looking at some posts, I think my lather was way to wimpy.
it was really airy and bubbly, not like my gel foam in a can.
I'm using William's mug soap, and a cheap-o Target brush. is it possible to get an adequate lather using that? I'm NOT giving up! I wanna do this right so bad!
My blade was kind of "scooting" rather than gliding.
Are you supposed to shave if your skin is already irritated and bumpy?
I'm pretty sure I just made it way worse.
After looking at some posts, I think my lather was way to wimpy.
it was really airy and bubbly, not like my gel foam in a can.
I'm using William's mug soap, and a cheap-o Target brush. is it possible to get an adequate lather using that? I'm NOT giving up! I wanna do this right so bad!