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This won't end well...

Just learned of Merz Apothecary and discovered that their downtown Chicago location is only a couple of blocks from my office. Very nice place. I managed to escape having only purchased a tube of Proraso Sandalwood, but I don't know how I'm going to fight the ADs with a brick and mortar source just down the street.
You poor man....

I have to walk past a wet shaving shop every day on the way to the post office.... It's tough I can tell you that.
I honestly think it's more fun to order online. Then you get the anticipation thing going on...like waiting for a big holiday. Then one day Santa (mailman) shows up with your gift box. Plus there's those pesky sales taxes you avoid.
Nah, a box in the mail is nice, but it's cool to actually look, smell and touch things in a store. I work near Merz too...it's a mini-wonderland.


Now half as wise
Had my first trip to Merz last week while I was in Chicago. It would not be a good idea for me to work that close to the store.
I am so thankful that I do not have a place like Merz Apothecaryor Pasteur's pharmacy anywhere near me. I would be in A LOT of trouble!
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