Haha. Reminds me of my first job. After working there for a few months with a full beard I shaved it off. Nobody recognised me. A girl I worked with daily actually ran to get a male colleague, thinking I was an intruder. Took me ages to convince them that I was me.
Something simular happened to me when I was in the Navy. ADM. Zumwalt thought it would be ok for us to have beards so we all grew one. Then they finally figured out that gas masks don't seal around a beard and we all had to shave. My kids were very little at the time and neither one of them recognized me after I shaved.
In the book "Moonraker" the chief villain was a former nazi who had all of his men grow beards because it was the singular most simple way to obscure a man's identity.
My cat flipped out when I dressed as Darth Maul (face paint, not a mask) for Halloween.
Took 4 hours to apply that makeup, and it took 6 to clean it all off. Ruined a half dozen washcloths. They never did come clean.
Thanks for sharing, I had a "hollywood" style goatee but it was as full as yours when I shaved it. My two girls didn't like getting kisses from me until I shaved it, but their reaction when they saw me without for the first time was similar. I wish I would have recorded it. Very heart warming vid, I'm sharing it with my SWMBO if you don't mind. My oldest (4y/o) loves to watch me shave now by the way.
I had a full beard for 20 years. When I shaved it off (leaving the mustache) everyone looked at me for a few puzzled seconds and said: "you grew a mustache!"