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This any good?

So for anybody following this thread, I did finally try it out. The smell was a very faint bay rum, the feel was ok pre and post shave, the lather sucked. I will give it another try tomorrow but looks like it might just be a body soap.
I have had several bad experiences with soaps containing Olive Oil, so when i see that these days i run the other way, as there is so much other great stuff to try. Also, i never found that olive oil really added anything to the soap...other than ruining the lather (usually very thin and whispy, zero cushion - everything you don't want for a shaving soap, albeit fine for a bath soap).

Just my 2 cents.
Worth a try. Please post your experience.

However, it turns out that 90% of my top soaps have been "tallow" type and I have yet to find a goon one containing olive oil.
Soaps containing olive oil are normally bad if they contain olive oil as the main oil. There are some like Taconic Shave's soaps which give me a great lather and are very moisturizing too. Their main oil is hemp seed oil and olive oil is in a supporting role.
Olive oil is good for hand soap in the kitchen when you are trying to save money. Olive oil is just about the cheapest ingredient you can use for soap.
Well the soap wasn't that good, but they were a nice older couple who threw in a old spice mug which I didn't have. To be fair I don't know the soap contained olive oil, it just says a combination of some of those ingredients. I won't hesitate to try something like this again if I feel the people are honest and nice and trying to make a good homemade product. If I find something great I will be happy to share!
Well the soap wasn't that good, but they were a nice older couple who threw in a old spice mug which I didn't have. To be fair I don't know the soap contained olive oil, it just says a combination of some of those ingredients. I won't hesitate to try something like this again if I feel the people are honest and nice and trying to make a good homemade product. If I find something great I will be happy to share!

Sorry it didn't work out, local soap makers rarely know how to make a shaving product that we enjoy but there are the occasional hidden gem. Maybe next time.
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