I have a question for the enlightened; Good Ladies and Gentlemen, I currently use a Muhle R41 DE razor as my daily shaver. I am also a head shaver. I have tried several razors in my rotation and none compare to my Muhle. I have seen posted here references claiming that the R41 is as close to a straight as a DE razor can get. I have also read in threads that your lather should be a little more wet when using a straight. Deductive reasoning would have me believe then that I should thin out and moisten my lather. I mostly use Proraso cream and I am quite satisfied with the product and my ability to make a good lather, but as we all know it's the tips and tricks that can take a product to an elevated level. So my question is;
What are your arguments either for or against thinning and wetting a lather?
Thank you in advance for your input.
What are your arguments either for or against thinning and wetting a lather?
Thank you in advance for your input.