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There is just no rhyme or reason.

I bid on a Gillette Regent leather case a few weeks ago and though I had it. I bid up to $47.77 but I got snipped at the last minute. Someone obviously wanted it more than I did. There was another one on the bay and the auction finished today. I set a sniper this time at the same amount to see how I would go on this one. I ended up getting it for $10.13. It just makes no sense.
It's people. They are unpredictable. They are goofy. Some of them want to win, even if it's on you-know-where. If you want logical, get some computers.
Yes, very hard to figure sometimes.

That same seller had a 1946 Ranger Tech that someome really wanted.

Don't know if it's the same seller, but someone reaaaaaaally wanted an (uncased) 1946 Ranger Tech to the tune of $107 tonight. Looked nice, but I'm not sure that nice.
I agree with everyone here that you can see a razor go for $50 one night then $10 the next. Go figure. I've also noticed that months can go by without seeing a razor, like an Executive or something, then you see two or three, sometimes in the same night. Life's weird. :glare:
Don't know if it's the same seller, but someone reaaaaaaally wanted an (uncased) 1946 Ranger Tech to the tune of $107 tonight. Looked nice, but I'm not sure that nice.

WOW!!! I've got a '46 Milord with intact plating. (Gold Ranger Tech) Wonder if that guy wants to give me $200!!!!
Bidder frenzy. That's why I no longer have a moral issue with sniping, I'm saving some poor bastard from himself. :lol:
Don't know if it's the same seller, but someone reaaaaaaally wanted an (uncased) 1946 Ranger Tech to the tune of $107 tonight. Looked nice, but I'm not sure that nice.

That was nuts. I decided not to go higher than $15 on that one. They didn't even have pictures of the doors, which may have been pitted and brassed for all we know. Wild.
Ebay is frustrating sometimes.
I've got my eye on a few things that I know are going to be good deals.
I just hope no one else sees them!
I have a little rhyme that with a little time will show you the reason of the season...

/sory, that's as far as I got...


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I bid on a Gillette Regent leather case a few weeks ago and though I had it. I bid up to $47.77 but I got snipped at the last minute. Someone obviously wanted it more than I did. There was another one on the bay and the auction finished today. I set a sniper this time at the same amount to see how I would go on this one. I ended up getting it for $10.13. It just makes no sense.

The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
I bid on a Gillette Regent leather case a few weeks ago and though I had it. I bid up to $47.77 but I got snipped at the last minute. Someone obviously wanted it more than I did. There was another one on the bay and the auction finished today. I set a sniper this time at the same amount to see how I would go on this one. I ended up getting it for $10.13. It just makes no sense.

The Regent Tech case in excellent condition is very hard to find. I saw one go for over $200. But it looked near perfect. Your $47.77 was probably low for a good one. The $10.13 is a real steal regardless of the condition.

Timing is everything, followed by good (or bad) descriptions. Auctions vary in end prices due to the vagaries of product availability, prospective bidders and awareness of the sale.
Bidder frenzy. That's why I no longer have a moral issue with sniping, I'm saving some poor bastard from himself. :lol:

Usually me. Thank you.

I got beat out on 2 separate Lady Gillette auctions AND a nicely-sized lot of various DEs over the weekend.
I always like it when the next day someone posts the "Look what I won" thread that has the auction you got beat out on.
I say this because I don't use sniping programs so I sit up at my computer pressing buttons in a mad frenzy to win.

It's my version of going to a casino.
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