I am finding it extremely difficult to find information on this Ever Ready prototype. As I understand it, the founder of Gem (who also worked for the Kampfe brothers for 23 years), left to found the Yankee safety razor company in 1903. The name was short-lived, as, in either 1904 or 1905, it became the Ever Ready. From what I have gathered, it looks as if their first model was a wedge blade variety (English steel). However, by the time the name had changed, it was using the standard SE blades (the first ever?), called Yankee blades.
Does anyone know how many Yankee models were built (not including later versions, decades later)? Am I right in saying that the first one was a wedge blade model? If so, when was the idea for making it into the first modern SE razor implemented?
Does anyone know how many Yankee models were built (not including later versions, decades later)? Am I right in saying that the first one was a wedge blade model? If so, when was the idea for making it into the first modern SE razor implemented?