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The Veg of the BL

So here it is a challenge to agree upon the pipe/cigar/ecig that best fits the analogy of The Veg. As most of you know there is apparently the chosen few of which I am not; to me it smells like cat urine from the beginning and 12 hours later, don't let me tell you what it smells like after a workout... Well, the merits of the Veg are argued on a different thread so lets find the software (or I guess hardware too) that best fits the ideology behind the Veg. Has to be basic, available to everyone or almost everyone; most of all it needs to be controversial!

For instance Acid cigars to me are pretty bad, but I dont like flavored cigars... Or could it be Sir Walter Raliegh pipe tobacco... (No analogy for ecigs, I have never smoked cigs.)


Used to have fun with Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I was thinking more general--Latakia is kind of a love it or hate it thing. And I love it. :clap:


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I would second any Lakeland Floral. I love it now, but for a long time any estate pipe ghosted with it made me ill.
I've never tried a Lakeland blend, but they seem to spark passionately polarized camps, just like the Veg.. not only that, but it's my tiny experience with The Veg that will probably keep me from trying a Lakeland blend. when I finally broke down and bought a tiny sample of the Veg, just to smell this stuff already, I felt duped.. why did I not listen to the haters?! The stuff truly does smell like a urinal cake! I have a vision of the pipe I sample a Lakeland in turning into a perfume bottle.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
It depends on which tobacco, but it is reminiscent of perfume to some. Just buy an ounce in bulk to try. You may be pleasantly surprised.
It depends on which tobacco, but it is reminiscent of perfume to some. Just buy an ounce in bulk to try. You may be pleasantly surprised.

What would you recommend as a good starter Lakeland? Something that gives an honest introduction, without over the top on the perfumey side of things


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I've never tried a Lakeland blend, but they seem to spark passionately polarized camps, just like the Veg.. not only that, but it's my tiny experience with The Veg that will probably keep me from trying a Lakeland blend. when I finally broke down and bought a tiny sample of the Veg, just to smell this stuff already, I felt duped.. why did I not listen to the haters?! The stuff truly does smell like a urinal cake! I have a vision of the pipe I sample a Lakeland in turning into a perfume bottle.

Be bold and put it on. It is wonderful once it dries down- about a couple minutes.
Latakia - meh.

Heretic :biggrin:
Be bold and put it on. It is wonderful once it dries down- about a couple minutes.

I gave it a shot, and I definitely felt bold.. bold like this guy..

The first thing that came to mind for me was Latakia.....but i havent tried any of the other blends that people mentioned.
My choice of The Veg tobacco would be Captain Black. The few times I have tried it I just can"t get over the heavy chemical taste. Give me my well aged VaPers. If I had only Captain Black to smoke, I would not smoke.
I could almost see what people like about it, but I think this is where body chemistry comes in.

Is Grousemoor a Lakeland blend? I've read where people refer to it that way, and others insist it isn't.

It is a Lakeland blend and but a floral scented one. Not all lakelands are scented though I believe. I may be wrong though.
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