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The Two Pass Shave Club - Any members ? Join T-T.P.S.C.

Hello :thumbup1:

I have perfected my shaving technique with the aid of a couple of great DE razors to perfect the two pass shave.
Anybody else here who can get a fine shave in just two passes ?

1.st Pass:
I always use one of my more aggressive DE razors for the first pass WTG
Joris/Plisson, Fatip, R41, Ikon SB, Tradere OC, ATT H1, Weber, Merkur Futur and Merkur 39c are my preferred razors for the first pass

2.nd Pass:
Here I switch to one of my more mild DE razors and go ATG and finishes the shave with touch ups with this razor.
DE89/R89, Merkur 38c, Goodfella OC, ATT R1/M1, Feather DE AS, Pils, Ikon OSS/OC, Tradere SB and Merklur 38c are my preferred razoirs for the second pass and touch ups.

Any one who wants jo join the club - we are seeking volunteers :thumbup:

T-T.P.S.C. - the club for Two Pass Shavers
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I love it! I rarely do a 3 pass shave as I have found that I really prefer a 2 pass DFS. Now, I will on occasion do a 3 pass but rarely. I also do not mix my razors up but, I might be in the minority on that one. If I want a closer shave, I use a more aggressive setup with 2 passes and the opposite for a quick scrape of the bristles. :thumbup:

2 passes with a straight, but 3 with a DE for me.

You are both in :shaving: - wait that smiley looks like he is using a cart :nono:
Put T-T.P.S.C. in your sig for membership, guys :w00t:

1. Ralph Nord - T-T.P.S.C. Originator
2. KcHighLife - Honoary member #2
3. rockviper - Honoary member #3
4. ?????
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I use just one razor, the 1st pass is done down the grain, and the 2nd pass is against the grain and i am done.
Two pass shaver reporting!
Most of the time I do WTG/XTG for a DFS. About once a week I substitute the XTG for an ATG pass. I use aggressive razors most of the time.
Two Pass Shaver right here!
I find through the week I use the two pass and usually on saturday or sunday I opt for the three pass.
Hmm does it count that I do 2 passes, plus some quick tidying up after (just at the bottom of my neck)? Technically I can integrate the tidying into the second pass if it helps:lol:
I do this quite often. I can actually get away with a two pass WTG with an OC razor. With my TTO Super Speed types, I go WTG / ATG.
Hi all! I didn't think I could get a 2 pass until I tried my new,Bostonian , with a Crystal blade.Holy smokes, after the 1st It was great but after the xtg I was in dfs heaven! This razor makes my old style oc look dull.So now I know I can do it. Nice to meet ya', and enjoy your shaving!
oh yeah my recent discovery :thumbup: (I love to give equal love between the razors hehe plus as a newbie I get to sample 2 blades at one shaving)

first pass WTG with OC Mascot
second pass AGT with mono-tech Gillette
Two-pass shaves as well.

First pass:
ATG on cheeks and jaw line
XTG on lower lip, chin and upper lip
XTG / J-hook middle neck and under chin
ATG lower neck

Second pass
ATG on cheeks and jaw line
ATG on lower lip, chin and upper lip
ATG on neck

I get very close to BBS with pretty much any razor I use and a fresh blade (first and second shave). Get DFS for third and fourth shave.
The only area I cannot get BBS in two passes is lower neck due to sensitivity and topography.

I also use a scrub at least once a week, the night before my shave.
I did a one pass to BBS yesterday....

on my arm.....

with an accidental fireball.......

Maybe I should start a group called the "One pass to Baby Butt Smooth Because Of A Giant Freakin Fireball Club" or "OPTBBSBOAGFFC" :001_tongu

Honestly though, I only do two passes as well though. A nice aggressive razor (slim on 9 or one of my cadets) for a WTG and ATG (sometimes I'll dial the slim back a click or two for ATG).
I find that three passes gives me far more irritation and doesn't get me any closer.

I would add the acronym to my sig but I prefer it the way it is, no disrespect intended. If I'm accepted, I'll be the stealth member :001_smile
If it is one day of growth, 2passes is usually enough for me with my less mild razors such as Tradere SB or Ever-Ready 1912.
Two pass shaver here...

1st pass
-WTG on the neck
-ATG everywhere else

2nd pass
-XTG on the neck (with some ATG away from my throat/adam's apple)
-ATG everywhere else

Result is DFS on my throat/adam's apple and BBS everywhere else.
Two passes here; WTG and XTG.

I only add a RXTG pass when I want really close, but it's not actually needed.

No ATG for me!
I've cut my shave down to two passes. I just find that the third pass doesn't get me any closer and only increases the chance of a nick.
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