OK, so yesterday I mentioned that a nice man came to my house bearing gifts yesterday. Well I don't know if anyone noticed but I only showed one gift. Here are the others that were in his sack:
It's partly your fault Doc. If i hadn't read your posts about the MK33 I wouldn't have been looking for one. Thanks for the inspiration.You suck. I need to block you from now on.
Great score
Cheers Jon, it makes up for a lousy year at work and zero chance of a bonus or raise!You are a blessed man Paul! Enjoy that beautiful set!
That's the problem with it, like I said, I bought them to sell 5 and keep one but it would be sacrilege to do that. Just a shame that the 7th razor got lost somewhere in Uruguay (that's where they came from).Wow. That is some set. I couldn't part with it either.
It's partly your fault Doc. If i hadn't read your posts about the MK33 I wouldn't have been looking for one. Thanks for the inspiration.
For disposal I suppose?If that is the case, the least you can do is send me one.
For disposal I suppose?
i also have to admit that you are a great doctor. I think my SRAD has been cured or at least it has gone into remission.