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The Sandwich Alignment Chart


Use the Fat, Luke!
I'm firmly in the camp that everything other than the bottom row is a sandwich. That said, I'm open to the possibility that those in the bottom row can also be sandwiches.

For those who disagree about the hot dog, what happens if the bun is split fully in half lengthwise? What if the hot dog is turned 90° so that the bread is on the top and bottom?

Also, where do open faced sandwiches fit in this discussion?
open face sandwiches are half sandwiches the wrong way
The oldest form of cooking was making broths and stews.

All food is basically soups with differing levels of organization/entropy where soups are most entropic. At one time I thought things could be divided into sandwiches and salads but came to realize salads are just disorganized sandwiches and could be considered organized cold soups. I am a soup monoist and cannot be swayed. I have also read too much philosophy and eaten too many mushrooms that make you see funny colors. Our feeble human attempts to create order from chaos, to find sandwiches from salads, are an affront to the stark and simple beauty of the truth: it’s all soup, man.
this is deep. unsure if it's true,
Oh, my. Is today the day that the “is a hot dog a sandwich” debate begins on B&B?
Let's ask the experts: NO

However, Merriam-Webster says: YES

Up for debate maybe?

Is an Oreo a sandwich?
No. I am willing to die on this hill.
Have any of you tried this?

View attachment 1692693
That looks strangely tasty.
To bring this back to the original post, are tacos sandwiches? 😁
Now I am a bit confused. Growing up in Sweden we would eat many open-faced "sandwiches" meaning only one slice of bread with toppings. This was not one of the options so I do not know where that would fall. :confused1
open face sandwiches are half sandwiches the wrong way
The waters are getting muddier by the minute.
Garfield And Friends What GIF by Boomerang Official


Use the Fat, Luke!

A Dozen Reasons Why the Terms Hot Dog and Sandwich Are Not Interchangeable

1. If you were watching a great athlete showing off during a game, you don’t call him a sandwich.

2. Does ESPN broadcast sandwich eating contests?

3. Imagine being at the ballpark with the organ playing, the crowd cheering and a vendor walking through the stands saying “Sandwich, get your sandwich here!”

4. Dirty Harry would not have sounded nearly as ominous if he said, “Never ever put mayo on a sandwich.” But when he said, “Never ever put ketchup on a hot dog,” people sat up and listened.

5. Marlene Dietrich didn’t say that champagne and sandwiches were her favorite foods; it was champagne and hot dogs she loved.

6. You wouldn’t get arrested for putting ketchup on a sandwich in Chicago.

7. There are never any myths or mystique about what’s in a sandwich.

8. No one ever sang about wishing they were a sandwich.

9. You don’t go to the ballpark and see racing sandwiches.

10. Babe Ruth wasn’t sent to the hospital and rumored to be dead because he ate too many sandwiches,

11. There was never an organized campaign for a sandwich emoji.

12. If you won the lottery, would you say “Sand wich!” No, you’d say, “hot dog!”


My elbows leak
Staff member
Now to complicate things even more are quesadillas then sandwiches given the definition?
View attachment 1692855
It's not a sandwich. It's a Quesadilla.
Sandwiches are by and large called "sandwiches".
Open faced sandwich. Ice Cream Sandwich. Sub Sandwich. Dagwood Sandwich. Peanut Butter Sandwich.
Grilled Cheese Sandwich.
No one says Quesadilla Sandwich.
Even a cookie such as Oreos are not sandwiches, though sandwich is in the name.
They are a Sandwich Cookie, not a Cookie Sandwich.
Being Sandwiched between two huge sweaty guys on an airplane does not mean you're a sandwich.


My elbows leak
Staff member
not sure i agree with this

View attachment 1847935

I don't think they are sandwiches. The style is not sandwich-like.
However, for all intents and purposes, they serve the same function and condition as a sandwich, so I don't disagree with the concept.
I don't think they are sandwiches. The style is not sandwich-like.
However, for all intents and purposes, they serve the same function and condition as a sandwich, so I don't disagree with the concept.

To my mind, a torta is more akin to a Mexican-style sandwich. But I can also see the rationale that a burrito and taco are essentially sandwiches, if the definition of a sandwich is something like: "a food item that consists of filling/topping surrounded by a bread, with the whole thing held by hand for eating"
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