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The Sandalwood Shaveoff

5th and final TOBS shave:

Rooney Victorian, again
G20 scuttle
John Allan SlickWater preshave
Merkur slant 37c
Pre de Provence soap for the überlather and a few drops of glycerin, of course

Since it was the last round, I went hog wild with the TOBS, maybe a rounded teaspoon worth. The lather was more fabulous rich and slick than ever. Allowed me to enjoy my vicious slant for once, but I wouldn't make such profligate use of cream a habit. I'm thinking the sandalwood performed much better than my one-time favorite, TOBS almond. I will add it to the rotation as number 3.
Looking forward to the next test.

I think I'll do the same sir!!! I'll use tons for the last shave for the shaveoff with TOBS
Week one is finished, and TOBS showed it's traits
The first challenger is done and a new cream awaits

I'll share my opinion of the two side by side
The only creams from England I have ever tried

TOBS didn't disappoint but I did expected more
I hope Truefitt and Hill lathers well with my boar

Well the poem says it all. I am not entirely disappointed with TOBS but I did expect to be completely blown away and just wasn't. The scent was fine for me, it's just the lather was a little lacking. Certainly not a bad lather or a bad shave but I definitely cannot call it elite. I very rarely change anything up in my routine, I use the same brush, razor, blade, aftershave and cream for extended periods at a time so I would definitely be able to use this cream daily and have fine shaves but in my personal experience with the creams I have tried it is definitely below average. I am comparing it to some great creams but like I said from my personal experience it falls below the 50% mark in terms of quality cream. I only purchase a cream once I have done a lot of research on it so that's probably why I haven't had any bad experiences but that is one advantage of having B&B. The other creams I have used are: C.O. Bigelow, AOS Sandalwood, Speick, Bio Palmyra, Kiss My Face, Dream Shave (local artisan and amazing cream), Derby, Yardley of London Gold and now TOBS. I certainly don't have an extensive history with creams and I have used more soaps than creams but I know what I like and I have stopped using a few of those either due to scent or performance. I will continue to use TOBS until it runs out and I will not regret it. It is a very serviceable cream by shaves 5 and 6 I had the cream to a great consistency with a little help but it performed well.

Overall I would give this cream a 7 out of 10.
A great week of shaves with TOBS Sandalwood. I am not able to pick out all the delicate scents but I know what I do and don't like. I like TOBS Sandalwood. I think the scent is fantastic. Some of the shaves I received were not that great and some were fantastic. It is definitely dependent upon the gear and technique utilized. The best shave I received was with a boar and face lather. I believe this cream is a definite contender for a permanent spot in my den. I will absolutely be venturing in to TOBS other scents after this. And, as others have also said I too will be keeping the small “sample” container that this cream came in for my travel kit. It is the perfect size and contains way more than a “sample” serving.
Well just finished my last shave of the week with TOBS and I'm glad I got to try it!!!
In the spirit of B&B I will be passing the remainder on to a couple of converts to try and then pass on to the next.
I look forward to tomorrow's start on T&H!!
It's been a pleasure partaking in this with you gents!!!


A little poofier than I prefer
I've completed five shaves with TOBS sandalwood with very good results - meaning very close, nick/weeper free with no razor burn.

Performance wise I found it to be very good shave cream. Not the best that I've enjoyed - but still very good. I imagine that if I was just starting out and had not experienced too many other products - that I'd be very excited about the performance of TOBS sandalwood.
Objectively I have to ask myself if my opinion of the shave cream performance is not influenced by my disappointment in the scent. Although I warmed to the scent over the week, it never came close the "wow! this is really good..." level that I've enjoyed with other shave products.

As well all know scent, of course has a huge subjective component to it. Yet we all have had the experience of a scent simply resonating with us in a very attractive way. Perhaps it's touching us a deeper, older, non-rational part of the brain. Unfortunately TOBS sandalwood didn't do that for me.
day #7 with the TOBS. I had received a new Maggard MR18 in the mail and had to try it out I did a face lathering of the TOBS with the Jagger best badger for pass one and added a bit of glycerin to the bowl for relathering on pass 2. DFS on this using a Personna blade. I'm looking forward to trying T&H tomorrow, but TOBS has proven to be a classy cream with great cushioning and decent slickness. And, I bet I didn't even use 1/2 the tub for 7 days of shaving.
Shave #4: Things went well. I used a Slim for yesterdays shave. A two pass shave left my face with a DFS. I held off on aftershave for a few minutes to see how my face felt. The cream left it on the dry side. Some C&E sandalwood fixed that. This is my only English cream so far and I like it. The scent is nice but not great but I get decent slickness and very good cushion consistently. This cream is already in my rotation and will remain there. I want to try some of the other TOBS scents to see how they compare to the sandalwood. My advice is try it. The scent is fine, performs consistently good, moderate priced and the container is great. This all adds up to a great value in my view. I'm looking forward to shaving with the other competitor in the morning.
day #1 with T&H is a no go. Before I even got out the cream I dropped my favorite lather bowl and it shattered on the floor. After cleaning it up I just wasn't in the mood to shave. Tomorrow will be a 2 day growth so poor T&H will have his work cut out.
day #1 with T&H is a no go. Before I even got out the cream I dropped my favorite lather bowl and it shattered on the floor. After cleaning it up I just wasn't in the mood to shave. Tomorrow will be a 2 day growth so poor T&H will have his work cut out.

Sorry to hear about your bowl, man. I hope you can replace it.
day #1 with T&H is a no go. Before I even got out the cream I dropped my favorite lather bowl and it shattered on the floor. After cleaning it up I just wasn't in the mood to shave. Tomorrow will be a 2 day growth so poor T&H will have his work cut out.

Oh man, I'm sorry to hear about that. Is it easily replaceable?
day #1 with T&H is a no go. Before I even got out the cream I dropped my favorite lather bowl and it shattered on the floor. After cleaning it up I just wasn't in the mood to shave. Tomorrow will be a 2 day growth so poor T&H will have his work cut out.

Condolences. That's a tough break.
Shave #1 with Truefitt & Hill Sandalwood: That was really nice!

First off, I've got to mention the packaging. Definitely first rate. Truth be told though I'm not easily impressed by packaging if the contents don't deliver and I'd also usually like to pay a little less and forego fancy packaging. But it is like unwrapping a nice gift.
So, on to the shave. First impression of the scent is that it seems like a modern take on sandalwood. I think there are some notes in there besides just plain sandalwood but my nose is pretty useless when it comes to figuring out what they are. I do like it though.

Performance is nice too. The lather was very creamy and dense. I may try to work a little more water in tomorrow since it started to dry just a little at the end of my second pass. After the third pass, I splashed on some Osage Rub and got no sting at all. So no weepers and no irritation. I was using my Progress on 2 again with a new Polsilver blade, which is the same setup I finished TOBS with.

Here's a pic of my brush today after face lathering for the first pass.
SHAVE #1 Truefitt & Hill Sandalwood

Very impressed with Truefitt & Hill's sandalwood scent.

T&H is of course a blend of different scent oils of which sandalwood is one of, which produces a very refined, luxurious scenting experience. I mentioned in my last post about TOBS that although the experience wasn't unpleasant, the scent didn't hit me the deep, reptilian part of the brain. Truefitt & Hill precisely hits that spot, giving me that "Wow!" experience. It leaves me thinking that I can't wait for tomorrow morning's shave.

Performance was top notch - overall a lovely shave experience.

P.S. The lady of the house used it this morning as well and had a similar reaction.

P.P.S. Let me add that this is a very concentrated cream. The small almond size dollop that I used was more than enough for a 3-pass shave.
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Shave #1 T&H Sandlewood

Fatip grand chrome (first time use)
Omega s brush
Shea moisture AS
Nivea sensitive ASB

Well the cream was nice!! Definitly smelled like a more modern type of scent. Almost still cologne like but more of a softer newer type scent. Performance was ok but shouldn't have had my maiden voyage with the fatip with a new cream. Its definitly more aggressive then my normal maggard. I can see how it would be nice, but maybe gotta find a different blade for it.
For the rest of the week I'll stick to more familiar razors lol.
But it worked well and the scent was nice. Can't put my finger on it bit different than TOBS. So far so good. Hopefully I didn't mess up my face too much for a shave tomorrow!!


A little poofier than I prefer
Shave #1 with T&H! My first ALL British shave, from beginning to end:

Razor: EJ DE89lbl
Blade: Wilkinson Sword, first use (I realize WS's are actually made in Germany, not the UK. But so was the House of Windsor)
Brush: Simpson The Colonel
Post: T&H Sandalwood Balm


Gorgeous kit

I too was really thrilled by the luxurious presentation. But hey, according to the Royal Warrant on the tube, this is the stuff Prince Phillip uses, so I guess it better be fancy. Before he was famous for being a grumpy old codger in a kilt who makes vaguely racist offhand comments, Prince Phillip was a pretty bad@ss dude. He fought in both theaters in the British Navy ships in WW2. And of course he made it with the then-Princess of Wales, who was a pretty foxy lady back in the day. Anyway, we can't all be married to the Queen of England, but at least we can shave like we are. The only thing about the packaging I didn't like was the plastic tube. Come on T&H, even Proraso comes in a quality old school metal tube.


Per my usual routine, I prepped with a shower and Nivea face scrub. Then I dropped a good double-almond sized dollop of the T&H onto the Colonel and face lathered vigorously. It produced a lovely rich and thick lather. The scent smelled fantastic. I picked up light floral notes. Maybe there was some sandalwood in there somewhere, but it didn't dominate. Mid-way through the first pass, I needed to add some water. The lather was very thick; I clearly didn't wet the brush enough. Otherwise, the shave went perfectly. Three passes and minimal touchup. No irritation until pass three.


I had gobs of lather left after three passes. After touch ups, I splashed on witch hazel and then a little of the balm. It was so cool of T&H to include the balm sample. I'm very glad to have the opportunity to try something new.


Now, I'm not much of a balm guy. I love the invigorating sting of a good alcohol splash and balms tend to over-hydrate my skin leading to ingrown hairs. It was with some trepidation I slathered it on. The scent was very nice and matched the cream. It burned for few minutes; I must sensitive to something in the fragrance. However, once the burning stopped, I must say, my face felt amazing. Very smooth and moistured. I'm writing this review about ten hours after finishing the shave and no signs of ingrowns yet. That's a good sign.

All in all, I was very pleased with the inaugural T&H shave and excited about the week to come.
Shave one with the T&H sandalwood is in the books. Very nice shave. I got a nick near the corner of my mouth while going for a BBS, but that's on me. I did notice that the cream dried out a bit quickly, and might have been a tad slicker, but otherwise it was a great experience. Very close shave with little irritation. The balm felt tacky for a bit afterwards, so I guess I used too much, but soaked in after a while, and my face feels great. Love the scent too. Would recommend this product.
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