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The ritual of shaving

If I may be indulged I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on the ritual of shaving. When I was a disposable or electric shaver, the daily abolutions were a chore, they were something that just had to be done and the quicker the better. I could usually be walking out of the front door about 30mins after my alarm went off. Since I've taken up proper shaving again I find that I'm no longer in such a rush anymore. I set the alarm earlier so I've got plenty of time now. I can go through the morning abolutions at my own pace. I don't feel I'm such a slave to the clock anymore. I don't worry about trying to rush for a particular train anymore. Another will be along soon. I find that it sets me up much better for my work day. Taking my time to shave seems to somehow be a great way to mentally move from being in "at home" mode to "work" mode. Anyway, I like it. Not only am I enjoying shaving, I'm also enjoying the more relaxed attitude it has given me.
I totally agree. A smooth shaven face is only the beginning of the benefits we receive from a well executed wet shave. Wonderful post indeed!
I totally agree. I used to rush out the door to be at the office as soon as possible. Now, I take my time and get a good shave and make it to the office still plenty early.
Going from a rush,rush,rush mentality to one where we stop to smell the roses is a positive mental change that benefits us in our daily activities. I can face anything after a great shave.

Well said, and reflecting how I feel myself. If I get up 30 minutes earlier, I`m just as tired 30 minutes later, but now I enjoy the luxury feeling of wet shaving with wonderful soaps, DE`s and Simpson`s. It really give a new dimension to the day, a great start.

And a cup of Kenya AA and the newspaper before leaving makes every morning something I look forward to.
i have to do it in the morning b/c if i do it at night then my face is way too stubbly the next day. unfortunately i am always in a rush so the only time i get to actually enjoy myself shaving is on weekends
When I went from lectric to WS I set my alarm 30 min earlier. I enjoy the mornings so it wasn't a big deal. I never look at the clock when shaving just enjoy and it will all come together. I plan on getting to work 45 min early and relax with a cup and a good book, oh and some B&B time.

Great post!!!!!!!!
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