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The Psychology of RAD

So what makes us collect all these razors?

I bet you you've hit upon a razor, blade, brush, cream or soap combination that gives you consistently great, maybe even BBS, irritation-free shaves. And yet you keep futzing around, cutting up your face with new razor and blade combos that don't quite work. Why do we do it?

I've also done this with my stereo over the last 16 years or so; I've had two setups that were totally enjoyable to me, and kept changing things around anyway. I learned my lesson and recently settled on a system that makes me happy.

I'm fairly new to wet-shaving so I'm still experimenting, but I think I'll take the lesson from my stereo quest and settle on the first setup that really clicks.

How 'bout you? What's your reason for having more than one or two razors that give you great, enjoyable shaves?

Well there is plenty of people who will tell you that looking for, buying and collecting razors fills an emotional void, helps us make order of the huge problem filled world we live in, is used as an investment, preserving the past...some would even say that we are making up for having to watch our poop be taken from us (flushed away) when we were tots.(Freud)

I say that at least one of those things is true...I do enjoy preserving the past. But for me it comes down to this, when something that has been torture for you everyday of your life blossoms into something so damn enjoyable, it is really hard not to continue to peruse what brings you that joy.

Finding like minded people, conversing with them in a constructive and positive manner, exchanging information that helps everyone involved, a huge part of finding or buying a razor or after shave is sharing it with everyone here.

I don't think I would care nearly as much if I couldn't share my joy with other people that I know will understand my joy!
I can understand the continual searching (even after finding a fantastic combination) and it doesn't bother me in the least. At some point, it might cross over to become some sort of obsession....... that is another story.
It's all about Endorphins. . . those wonderful "natural high" chemicals that our bodies produce to make our brains happy!! :001_smile

There are many things in our world that can trigger an endorphin "rush" - exercise, sex, chocolate, hot peppers, horror movies, gambling, and shopping to name a few.

Why does SWMBO have 20 pairs of shoes, or a closet full of outfits that only get worn once or twice a year? The shopping "process" produces pleasure, that's why!!

For some of us, that which we call "RAD" is only our desire to repeat the pleasures of finding, buying, receiving, and using a "new" razor, cream, soap, brush, AS, or blade. Shaving is an intensely personal experience - just you and that guy in the mirror every day! The endorphins associated with such personal events are quite strong, and we just keep wanting more!

As long as we aren't spending the grocery money or failing to pay the rent because of RAD it shouldn't be a problem . . . but for some "endorphin junkies" the addiction can be just as severe as heroin, and produce the same life-altering results.

But hey, after all, at least we're clean-shaven junkies!!:thumbup:
I say that at least one of those things is true...I do enjoy preserving the past. But for me it comes down to this, when something that has been torture for you everyday of your life blossoms into something so damn enjoyable, it is really hard not to continue to peruse what brings you that joy.

Finding like minded people, conversing with them in a constructive and positive manner, exchanging information that helps everyone involved, a huge part of finding or buying a razor or after shave is sharing it with everyone here.

I don't think I would care nearly as much if I couldn't share my joy with other people that I know will understand my joy!

Man, you've got it completely right.
I have had over 50+ razors at one time and as few as 4. For me it's a link to the past and the enjoyment of finding things that at one time were considered useless. I tend to collect razors found in thrift and antique stores. E-Bay takes that thrill out of finding razors,and it has become expensive.

At the beginning I found several lots that provided the funds to purchase more expensive razors. I went from the common American razors to the British and German variety.

At this time I have two vintage German slants in gold and silver complete with cases and blade holders. I know I don't need them,but it was fun to search until I found that specific razor.

With the weather walking around antique malls is a better alternative than sitting at home.
I can understand the veteran shaver accumulating razors and developing into a collector, but for some reason I get really annoyed sometimes by newbies who brag "I haven't had my first shave yet but here's a picture of the 52 razors I've already bought and I have 17 more on the way." That's just getting caught up in the hype and not exercising real judgement.
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