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The phrase under my user name


Ok, strange question. I noticed that when I first joined this forum, I was a 'Wet Shaver Wannabe'. Now, a few postings later, I'm a 'Whisker Whacker'. Just wonderin' how many levels are there? Wonder what my text title will be?

Just ramblin' along this dusty road called Life.

Happy Shaving, everyone!
Ross, the road to wet-shaving nirvana is a long one, and many titles will come and go as you post more. (Now, to answer your question, there's a [incorrect and out-of-date]list in the Wiki, but the Mod team likes to have fun with them. I'd say that there's at least 20-30, and they change quickly at first and then taper off. Just wait until you do something memorable and the Mods give you a custom title!)
I never even thought of them as titles having levels. I thought they were just humorous little jibs. I've seen them repeat a couple of times so I thought it was just a pick out of the hat type of thing.
Just wait until you do something memorable and the Mods give you a custom title!)

Hmmm. Perhaps something like shaving both sides of my face at the same time, using my right and left hands, with two different razors, while humming Dred Zepplin's version of 'Stairway to Heaven' and simultaneously cleaning out my two cats' litter box with my right foot and brushing my teeth with my left? How's that for a humdinger? ROFL! Geez, I crack myself up.

Happy Shaving, everyone!
Hmmm. Perhaps something like shaving both sides of my face at the same time, using my right and left hands, with two different razors, while humming Dred Zepplin's version of 'Stairway to Heaven' and simultaneously cleaning out my two cats' litter box with my right foot and brushing my teeth with my left? How's that for a humdinger? ROFL! Geez, I crack myself up.

Happy Shaving, everyone!

Ohhh c'mon now :blushing: I only did that one time and you guys are going to tease me about it forever? Geez!
... guess I'm not a party guy.

beware what you post newbs! as Forest Gump would say (if he was a member here at B&B) "Mama always said B&B was (is) like a box of chocolates..." you know the rest

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Cumulative post titles change randomly...I know...I'm still waiting for mine to change.

"I do not believe in inspiration, but I must have a title in order to work, otherwise I am lost". Guillermo Cabrera Infante
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Titles are for sure a really big mystery around here. Its been said that they change with the number of posts one does, but I've found that that is not always the case. I guess one will never really know how they work, and the mods are not telling. Its interesting though, you'll never know whats going to come up.
Titles are for sure a really big mystery around here. Its been said that they change with the number of posts one does, but I've found that that is not always the case. I guess one will never really know how they work, and the mods are not telling. Its interesting though, you'll never know whats going to come up.

Paul is this wishful thinking thats an interesting one you have.....
For a while I expected titles to change at particular post levels. Then on day my title didn't when expected. Some time later, I kind of blinked and my title changed. It is one of the things that makes B&B so fun.
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