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The most manly scent ever formulated by man

I am, of course, talking about Tabac.

Got my puck in the mail from FragranceX yesterday. Sniffed it upon opening the package and was slightly underwhelmed. Smelled a little like vintage OS, soapy and clean, but nothing that jumped out at me.

That all changed when I lathered it up today. Added a little water, and the most manly scent I have ever smelled came bursting up out of the bowl. It smelled like someone dumped an entire ashtray into the puck...but in a good way. It reminded me of my grandfather's basement, that shrine to manliness, complete with real wood paneling, a full bar, a rack of guns, and the smell of aromatic pipe smoke.

It is the epitome of what a man should smell like.

My only problem is that all of my AS is of the fruity "modern man" variety. Before today, I thought that it was "the best a man can get". Now I need to find an AS that can stand up to the man's man of shaving products!
When I use Tabac I use Ivy Club (Family Dollar) aftershave. Supposedly smells of Shulton Old Spice... far older than I but they seem to go well together.
All the world loves a lover.

I sometimes shave with Tabac, then apply Mandom.

This combination has reduced other men around me to lifelong impotency, and caused spontaneous de-menopausing in women as old as 96.

Renting Blackwater out to keep the ladies at bay does get a bit expensive though, so it's more of a "weekend only" thing for me.
I sometimes shave with Tabac, then apply Mandom.

This combination has reduced other men around me to lifelong impotency, and caused spontaneous de-menopausing in women as old as 96.

Renting Blackwater out to keep the ladies at bay does get a bit expensive though, so it's more of a "weekend only" thing for me.

Tabac smells like soapy cat litter. :laugh: My vote would be either AOS Sandalwood or TOBS Mr. Taylor (the cream, not the cologne).
I sometimes shave with Tabac, then apply Mandom.

This combination has reduced other men around me to lifelong impotency, and caused spontaneous de-menopausing in women as old as 96.

Renting Blackwater out to keep the ladies at bay does get a bit expensive though, so it's more of a "weekend only" thing for me.

Just by reading your post about Tabac and Mandom, I sprouted chest hair and a mustache a la Tom Selleck (circa the Magnum era). As I look out the window, I see that my Honda CR-V turned into a Ferrari, as well. Powerful stuff indeed.

Have you used Quorum?

Totally irresponsible "quorum" tangent:

Police Chief: I'm too nice?

Tony Giardino: Yeah, you're too nice. Why can't you be like the Captain on "Starsky and Hutch"? You know, when you come in, and you haul me into your office, and you bawl me out because you're sick and tired of defending my screwball antics to the Commissioner? Why cant you do that?

Police Chief: Well, the truth of the matter is, I don't report to a Commissioner. I report to a committee. Some of whom are appointed, some elected, and the rest co-opted on a bi-annual basis. It's a quorum, so to speak.

Tony Giardino: A quorum?

Police Chief: Yeah.

Tony Giardino: Captain, when I joined the police force, I thought I was going to be Serpico. But instead, I'm like... Fish from Barney Miller.

Police Chief: Hey. Somebody needs a hug!

From "So I Married an Axe Murderer," back when Mike Myers was clever and funny.

Steve (the hard-hearted harbinger of haggis)
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