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The League Of Leg Shavers

(Note To Mods: If I Shouldn't Have Created This Thread, Please Let Me Know)

There Is A Number of women (Myself Included) That are members of B&B, and I believe we should have a place to discuss our shaving Technique.
This Is Also open to men who also shave their legs.
To become A member, put L.O.L.S (League Of Leg Shavers) In Your Signature Line.
I look forward to talking to you.
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Interesting. Good luck with this thread. Women actually shave more real estate than men. And I suspect you can't do it with benefit of a mirror.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
(Note To Mods: If I Shouldn't Have Created This Thread, Please Let Me Know)

There Is A Number of women (Myself Included) That are members of B&B, and I believe we should have a place to discuss our shaving Technique.
This Is Also open to men who also shave their legs. (what...?
To become A member, simply message me
And Put L.O.L.S (League Of Leg Shavers) In Your Signature Line.
I look forward to talking to you.
Great idea and I hope you get alot of replies & PM's from the Great Ladies of B & B.

$whish body.jpg “Life is [like] a razor, you are always in hot water or a scrape”. Anonymous
This Is Also open to men who also shave their legs. (what...?

A friend who was a serious bicyclist used to shave his legs. His wife says that road rash heals much better without all the hair.
Watch it you haters. I'm a racing cyclist and I take care of cyclists as a doctor. It does have its merits but honestly I think its a little more about vanity. Cyclists have worked pretty hard on those legs and they do look great so why cover them with hair...
I am an avid cyclist, but I don't think shaving my legs is going to do as much for me as losing 20 pounds would. I have lent my sister in-law my first 1970 Black Beauty and she is giving it a go. I will inform her of your group and I wish you all the best in your venture. Good shaves to you.
SWMBO at my place or rather our place seems almost 'antimagnetic' in her not wanting to try a DE for the legs etc. She has used my vintage GII and liked it but not enough for her to stick with it. She went back to her Gillette Venus disposable. She does use my WH gel though, she likes the cooling effect she gets and it makes her legs even smoother. No complaints from me.
I've never tried a razor I hated as much as the Gillette Venus disposable...I always used Schick carts, and boy was I surprised when I picked up a box of gillettes on sale. I have no idea how people use them.
I never used a gillette venus razor, Before My switch to DE I used A Wilkinson Sword Cart Razor.
I liked that four replacement blades cost around $5 as opposed to $15 - $20 for others.
eventually I realized that they didn't provide me with a close enough shave, (and were still a little pricey) So I Bought A DE.

Greatest decision I could have made.
Do you still use carts, or do you use a DE Razor?

I've never tried a razor I hated as much as the Gillette Venus disposable...I always used Schick carts, and boy was I surprised when I picked up a box of gillettes on sale. I have no idea how people use them.
Ok confession time. I race bicycles. Of course it's an old joke about cyclists shaving their legs, and I never did until after crashing. The women in the first aid tent told me I should shave my legs as she was cleaning dirt out of my road rash.

Here's my first question. I use electric clippers, getting it down to stubble. The one time I used a razor I had the worst painful itchy feeling that lasted for days, and then a ton of ingrown hairs. Is there a way to avoid this?
Ok confession time. I race bicycles. Of course it's an old joke about cyclists shaving their legs, and I never did until after crashing. The women in the first aid tent told me I should shave my legs as she was cleaning dirt out of my road rash.

Here's my first question. I use electric clippers, getting it down to stubble. The one time I used a razor I had the worst painful itchy feeling that lasted for days, and then a ton of ingrown hairs. Is there a way to avoid this?

I haven't had an issue with ingrowns since I switched to a DE. I could just be lucky, but I think it's the same as your face--prep well and you'll have fewer problems.
Maybe you needed a different blade, Or maybe you should have used just the razor to shave instead of the clippers.
other than that, I'm not sure what your problem is, but i'm sure somebody will.
It just might be the coarseness of male leg hair as well, although I can't really imagine that mens' leg hair is coarser than facial hair.
Lets talk aftershaves.
Are there any out there that women could also use?
I was thinking about mama bears aftershave milk, but I don't know how big the bottle is, i'll have to ask.
I currently use an unscented one that I made myself.
Lets talk aftershaves.
Are there any out there that women could also use?
I was thinking about mama bears aftershave milk, but I don't know how big the bottle is, i'll have to ask.
I currently use an unscented one that I made myself.

I've never found reason to use one, really. I use a decent drugstore lotion on my legs and it seems to do fine. I'll (carefully) use some witch hazel on my bikini area, since it seems more ingrown-prone, but that's about it.
Lets talk aftershaves.
Are there any out there that women could also use?
I was thinking about mama bears aftershave milk, but I don't know how big the bottle is, i'll have to ask.
I currently use an unscented one that I made myself.
Maybe you don't need an AS. Rather, think about "post shave" creams like Proraso or RazorRock offer. Or Nivea post-shave balm. I personally like RazorRock post-shave wax.
I am glade to see the Ladies becoming part of Badger and Blade. I am curious as to who uses a shaving brush to build lather and have any of the ladies had a chance to try Shaving Sticks such as La Toja, Palmolive, and have any of them tried any of the shave soaps from Mystic Water, Mike's and QCS. These are all great products that I encourage all of you to explore. I would be more than willing to PIF a shaving stick, but you need a brush to get the great results.
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