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The Last Movie You Watched?

Out of the Furnace with Christian Bale and Woody Harrelson. Good movie but pretty violent and depressing. If you liked The Deer Hunter you will like this one.
I must admit that I am a little hooked on Veronica Mars series. Saw the whole movie debacle and decided to do a little "research" and watch the series before I watch the movie. Well, so far TV series is not bad. I am still on season 1 and although it's full of high school drama (a turn off for me), it's got enough redeeming qualities to be totally enjoyable. Still haven't seen the movie.

My wife and I are big fans of the show, and backed the movie on Kickstarter. What I love about it is that while it is a high school drama, it isn't written like one, the dialogue is great, the characters have depth, and the plot lines are interesting. For a fan of the series, the movie is very satisfying.
Vanishing Point - Oops!! My bad. I thought the thread was for the WORST movie I ever saw.
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Lone Survivor. What an incredible story of heroism. Can't believe the libs blasted it as racist. Oh wait a minute..... I CAN believe that.
The Blue Max. Always a pretty good watch, but in order to show all of the great aerial shots on television, they letterbox the movie down to the point that it feels like you are watching it from an NSA spy satellite feed.
I re-watched Apollo 18. I liked it more the second time around, but still don't think it's a great movie by any stretch of the imagination. One thing I didn't notice the first time around was the shaving scene. It's funny the things you notice when your interests change.
Mud--according to Rotten Tomato and Metcacritic I am apparently the only one who has seen this film that did not like it. And I am a big Mathew McConaughey fan these days. Putting kids and pretty young women in danger may put me on the edge of my seat, but it is not great drama or movie making. The whole thiing just seemed not credible and too black and white to me.


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Part 2 of The Vengeance Trilogy...Old Boy. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

I've seen it before and recently watched the Spike Lee remake. I didn't mind the remake at all when I watched it, but the original (as I remembered correctly) was MUCH MUCH better.

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I have watched the original Oldboy recently and plan to watch the remake, but am delaying it because I was so moved by the original I really do not want to have that experience spoiled. I like and respect Spike Lee as a director, so I am looking forward to watching his version, but somehow I doubt this story told by a western hemisphere resident can be told the same way...

It is not nearly as good but different enough to not conflict too much with parallels and comparisons. There are similar parts, similar story lines, but it's not a shot for shot or scene for scene remake.

In the meantime, check out the other Movies in the Trilogy! The first one was very good, old bot was even better and now I just have to watch the third.
The Purge. Neat and scary premise, marred by a cheap and lazy script.

C'mon. There are baddies skulking around your home, trying their best to kill you. And your family, which is armed to the teeth by the way, reacts to said baddies in the house by... splitting up and then wandering around in the dark, bumping into furniture?

Argh. This could have been an interesting movie.
Just finished the Carrie remake. There was a time when horror movie made for an interesting night but as I get older, they have become a waste of time. And Steven King was never a favorite. Not sure why I watched it.

Edit: So maybe I'll end the night with West Side Story.
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Watched The Hobbit, Desolation of Smaug and Fast & Furious 6 last night. Both of them were excellent. Not sure how I feel about the plans to use a computer generation of Paul Walker in Fast & Furious 7.
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