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The Last Movie You Watched?

Network. Great for more than just the one famous speech scene.
Hard to believe this is from 1976, it really predicted some things accurately. Was the word 'globalisation' even used back then? This film raised the subject.
Apart from the OTT ending, this could have been a documentary.
Today I watched Senna, a great documentary about the Brazilian F1 driver, and also Big Trouble in Little China. Those passed the time while getting tattooed all afternoon.

Tonight, SWMBO and I watched Drive. Holy cow. It was awesome.
Today I watched Senna, a great documentary about the Brazilian F1 driver, and also Big Trouble in Little China. Those passed the time while getting tattooed all afternoon.

Tonight, SWMBO and I watched Drive. Holy cow. It was awesome.

You must have had a ton of work done!
You must have had a ton of work done!

It was plenty for one day, that's for sure.

Margin Call was the last thing I watched. It was really well written, sort of along the lines of a Glengarry Glen Ross but Wall Street rather than real estate.
Last night I watched Paranormal Activity 3 after work. I'm ashamed of how much I've enjoyed that series.

This afternoon we watched Firewalker, a campy classic with Chuck Norris and Lou Gossett, Jr.
Watched Sanctum on cable the other night. Bad. So very bad. Last night I watched Hunger about IRA prisoners staging a six week hunger strike to protest the dismal conditions to which they had been subjected. Good film, not really one for the wife and kids, though.
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