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THE Injector Razor Thread

Having been tempted with injector razors for a while and having one sit on the shelf without any blades for a few months I decided to make the plunge a week or so ago and bought 2 injectors and some blades so that I can see what these razors are all about.

I've never used anything other than a DE razor all of my life and the Super Adjustable I bought in the early 70's worked so well for me that I never looked at anything else until joining B&B last year.

So here are the injector razors I purchased so far.

Everyone please join in and extoll the virtues of the model you currently enjoy using

First injector I acquired was received as a "freebee" with a BST purchase. Did not know it was coming and when it got here I had no idea what it was.

I "think" it is a Schick Mode G. It says Schick Eversharp and it appears to be a little on the unusable side (loose lower blade holder and a few bent ears)

The Second injector razor I ended up getting was The Classic Shaving Cobra. Now this really changed my mind about razors. It gives me the closest shave of just about all of the razors I have used. Even though it uses disposable straight razor blades I feel it is an injector razor (or sorts)

A few weeks ago I got a cased PAL adjustable in cream puff condition (from that auction site). I have been really enjoying this razor. It shaves incredibly close and seems to be nudging my Cobra razor as my favorite

Last week I got a NOS Schick Hydro-Magic from BST (rxonmymind) an have used it a couple of times so far.

All I can say is... Why isn't there more chatter about injector razors? These things are killer shave monsters and can be bought for pennies (well except for the Cobra that is)

Tell me about your injectors and why you like using yours

Now to the fun part (pics)

The one on the left is a "G"... sometimes they feel a little loose until you get a blade in them and then it's fine. If it still moves around with a blade in it, I probably wouldn't use it. The two middle ones should shave great... smooth but close shaves. The Cobras give a very close shave, too expensive for my budget, and really a little too aggressive for my taste, but many guys like that sort of thing :thumbup: Injectors are the unsung heroes of wetshaving
A few weeks ago I got a cased PAL adjustable in cream puff condition (from that auction site). I have been really enjoying this razor. It shaves incredibly close and seems to be nudging my Cobra razor as my favorite

Currently my favorite injector. I have most of the Schicks and they all give great shaves. I just am enjoying the PAL more.
E2 for me. They don't get much chatter because there isn't much blade choice (all SEs) and they just work so good that it's like cheating. Not much to talk about when something just works so well & so effortlessly.
...and can be bought for pennies...

Well, that part's changing. Prices have been steadily going up on Injectors. Someone's been talking...:sosp:

I have tried the G, I, and L types, and the Gillette Injector. I kept the G6 because I got it in a cased set and it was in the most-like-new condition. No verdigris, everything was tight. Supposedly the older ones are more aggressive, but I didn't notice any difference among the Schicks; the Gillette was incredibly mild to the point where the number of passes needed to get a close shave was actually causing irritation in my sensitive neck skin.

I like them because the blades last forever (as with most SE's) and unlike most SE's, finding the correct operating angle is idiot proof. I like the tiny head that makes getting under the nose or jawline easy. I like the nifty blade-changing system. Between the loader and ejecting the old blade directly into my sharps container, I have literally never touched an Injector blade with my hands.

Also, unlike most SE's, it's easy (for me at least) to get really good blades.
I have about half of the alphabet. This week the E type has been getting to play. The coolest one I own is an F. All aluminum. Possibly the most aggressive of my injectors.

I'm still looking for an O type.
I have about half of the alphabet. This week the E type has been getting to play. The coolest one I own is an F. All aluminum. Possibly the most aggressive of my injectors.

I'm still looking for an O type.

Same here! I saw a guy using one at the gym and the blades are still sold everywhere here, but I've no idea where I could pick up a razor!
I now have a G, an M25 adjustable, a PAL hydromagic, and my favorite, the C2.

i agree with SEnSE, it's almost like cheating.
Hmmmmm, now I feel an SE Sunday injector shave coming on.....
Well I just used my Hydro-magic last night for an unbelievable shave:biggrin1: Started with a WTG pass and I had to stop to check if I had a blade in it, no audible feedback like I am used to with my GEMs. I finished my regular 3 pass and had one of the easiest BBS shaves I have ever had! If this continues it will easily become my favorite:thumbup:

Well I just used my Hydro-magic last night for an unbelievable shave:biggrin1: Started with a WTG pass and I had to stop to check if I had a blade in it, no audible feedback like I am used to with my GEMs. I finished my regular 3 pass and had one of the easiest BBS shaves I have ever had! If this continues it will easily become my favorite:thumbup:


I feel the same way about my Hydro-magic. I forget how good it is until I try another razor. I like it so much I find myself wondering if I should buy a second one in case the first one breaks or gets lost, etc. etc. Funny how enjoying something so much can actually make you paranoid about losing it.
I dont have many Injectors, but I like the ones I do have

A nice cased butterscotch handled Canadian E model
A bakelite black handled, chrome head Canadian E model
A clear amber handled G6 model
And the ultra rare exploded handle G model :biggrin1:



I'll sing the praises of the J Type. I also liked the M Type, but didn't really see the need for adjustment.

I've had pretty good success with my injectors. I don't get quite as close a shave with them as I do my G-Bar, but they are still good for at least a twelve-hour shave. That's plenty in my book.
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