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The Hierarchy of Razors

This is pretty simple, list your opinionated rank of all the different types of razors and let the debate begin! Even if you have never shaved a day with a cartridge or a straight, let's see how you would rate them versus all the other types of razors that are available today and those that are now discontinued and/or rare.

For example,

1. Straight
2. Shavette
3. DE
4. etc.

Electric -vs- Straight -vs- Cartridge -vs- Injector -vs- Shavette -vs- DE etc. I'm hoping for some interesting posts. Feel free to provide reasoning or an explanation for your list!
1. DE
2. Cartridge
3. Injector
4. Electric
5. Shavette
6. Straight

Only shaved with 1,2, and 4. Put Shavette and Straight at the bottom as I have shakey hands and would wind up all smiles if I tried one (a smile on this cheek, a smile on that cheek, a smile on my chin, etc).
For myself only, and not presuming to judge what other people should use.:001_smile
  1. Injector
  2. Single Edge
  3. Double Edge
  4. Old style twin blade cartridge
  5. New style multi-blade cartridge
  6. Disposable
  7. Letting beard grow
  8. Electric
Straights sit flattest in my back pocket, followed by cartridges, then injectors. SE and DE are tied for last. But I wear slim cuts.
1. DE
2. Twin blade cartridge
3. Mach III
4. Fusion
7. Sharpened flint
9. Seashell
11. Torn aluminum can edge
14. Rusty butter knife
16. Electric
1. DE
2. injector
3. two-bladed cartridge razors
4. single-blade disposable (Bic)
5. 3-blade cartridge razor
6. >3 blade cartridge razor
7. electric

Can't say about straights. Never tried one and probably never will. Not enough time and not enough dedication.
Hmmm.. I've have to have one list for closeness of shave and one for ease of use as a straight will give me the closest shave but a SE is easiest to use.

Okay rough amalgamated table is:

1. Straight
2. SE
3. Shavette
4. DE
5. Cartridge
6. Hair removal creams
6. Attaching each hair to the door handle by a tiny string and slamming the door shut
7. Waxing
6. Epilator.
1. Double Edge (after practice)
2. cartridge razor
3. grow a beard
4. Shave with cheese grater
5. Electric

BTW, why on earth would anyone sign up to use one of these vibrating "power" razors (e.g. Fusion Power)? The thought of blades vibrating against my skin doesn't inspire me with confidence.
Actually, the answer to this question is a bit easier than you're recognizing. I believe you might be overthinking things a bit.

The hierarchy is as follows:

1) My razors

2) Everyone else's razors.

That's it.
Let's see...

Here's what I've used. There are too many variables for this to a perfect list- but if I had to choose what to shave with right now, this the order I'd pick.

1. Injector
2. SE
3. DE
4. Disposable single blade
5. Cartridge
1. DE
2. Mach 3
3. Fusion
4. Twin Blade Cartridge
5. Shavette
6. Cut Throat
7. Disposable
8. Quattro
9. Electric
10. Threading
1. Straight
2. SE
3. DE
4. Injector
5. Disposable single blade
6. Twin Blade carts
9. All other carts
10. Threading
11. Burning
12. Grow Beard
13. Electric?
#1: Straight reason being,relaxing close shave and shear fun of knowing how.

#2: DE, reason being.quick close shaves and appreciating the magnificence in engineering and looking at a piece of art.

Anything else does not compare IMO :001_smile
From what I have tried:

1) DE (fun to use, best shave in terms of closeness and irritation free skin)

2) Schick Injector, 90s model (Almost impossible to get nicked or cut, but not as close as DE. Also, in my experience, harder to work on angles of face, especially under nose, compared to the DE. Easier to change blades than DE.)

3) Sensor XL (smoother shave and less irritation than the Sensor but more irritation than the Injector or DE, and not as smooth. Expensive blades.)

4) Sensor (shaves just as close as Sensor XL but not as smooth and irritation free)

5) Mach 3 (So easy to use it promoted bad technique, which according to my dermatologist, along with the 3 blades gave me shaving bumps. Really expensive blades.)

6) Electric (Braun and Norelco. Impossible to use in hot weather unless there is air conditioning. Irritated my face more than the razors above. Not as close as razors above. Not as fun as wet shaving with razors above.)
1) DE
2) Straight (Just started but I can see it taking No 1 spot very shortly
3) Single Edge
4) Injector
5) Cartridge
6) Tweezers
7) Electric
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