maybe to massage your goatee??? LOL
You guys are really naive. I own that thing and it's awesome. If you bothered reading the descriptions and reviews you will learn that the rollers are to adjust the width (for not everyone's face is the same size). You could try the eyeball effect with shaving around your goatee or you can use the two finger method, or you can use this which is what I do. The user of the product would simply adjust the width to their liking, bite on the mouth guard, then once you do that the Goatee Saver will naturally block the areas you want to keep protected and you shave around it at all angles so you have a PERFECTLY SHAPED GOATEE.
But I must be lame since I own it. This coming from a bunch of people that buy a multitude of shavers and post threads like, what blade did you use today? Whatever!
I had a Goatee for 15 years and it was always perfectly shaped, but I didn't need that thing.