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The Dive Bar Jukebox

When I was in law school, I had a friend who would pump $20 into an old jukebox and play the same song over and over again. It didn't have the technology to prevent that from happening, and it wouldn't bump a song up to the front of the line for an extra quarter. He got enjoyment out of this. Honestly, being on that side of the joke was fun at times, but being on the other was terrible. The plug got pulled more than once.

If you were to do this at a bar yourself, what song would you pick and why? For me, it is Billy Idol's Rebel Yell. It's the kind of song that could get annoying after a few plays, but come back to being funny after a few more.
The End by The Doors, because it's 12 minutes long which repeated over and over would go on for more than an hour. And the irony of a song which insists it's the end while never seeming to end itself would probably amuse me were I in a bar enjoying a few drinks. :thumbup1:

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Tom Traubert's Blues by Tom Waits. Actually just put all of Tom's stuff on shuffle and keep'em coming, barkeep.
During the Waco, TX standoff in the '90s, Federal Agents played one song repeatedly non-stop for days in an attempt to get the Branch Dividians to come out (it didn't work).
They figured it would take the most obnoxious music imaginable to accomplish the task; they chose "These Boots are Made for Walkin'" by Nancy Sinatra....I suppose I'd pick something like that or "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" by Brian Hyland, another song not unlike fingernails on a chalkboard.
"The end of the world as we know it" by REM...

A radio station by me played it for 48 hours straight while they switched formats. I re-tuned my sisters car radio to only that channel.
At a bar in my hometown, someone played "Dead Skin Mask" by Slayer three times in five songs. It was the strangest thing ever as A.) this was an upscale bar and B.) I didn't know jukeboxes came loaded with Slayer :blink: I like metal just fine, but this literally had patrons fleeing the bar!

"Such Great Heights" by The Postal Service. I'm pretty sure the opening would drive people nuts after a while, but I think I would just laugh after 10 or so repeats. I remember reading a story about an online poker player who would listen to that song for 10 hrs straight....
Someone posted this video in a similar thread a couple years back and I thought it was hilarious. So here it is:

*WARNING* video contains some vulgar language

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The End by The Doors, because it's 12 minutes long which repeated over and over would go on for more than an hour. And the irony of a song which insists it's the end while never seeming to end itself would probably amuse me were I in a bar enjoying a few drinks. :thumbup1:

This is the song I was going to suggest. I love this song but will admit it is sort of an "aquired taste" song beings how beautifully weird it is.
on a side note, couple of my Airmen went to paris for the weekend. when I asked if they had the chance to visit Jim's grave they just looked at me and said, "who's that" :a52:
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I used to load quarters into the jukebox to play "I fight authority (authority always wins)" at the pizza place where I waitered.
Got me through a lot of shifts. Then one day it was gone! Later that day I was lamenting to the boss. He reached up to a shelf, flipped through some 45's, said "this one?" and gave it to me. Cool. I thought it would have gone out the door with whoever serviced the jukebox.

Flip side was "little pink houses," also a good song.

Ain't that America, home of the free...
Little pink houses for you and me.
somebody was telling me about an app that allows you to hijack the jukebox from your phone, and no one will know you're doing it. Wonder if it's true.

would be fun for a while.
somebody was telling me about an app that allows you to hijack the jukebox from your phone, and no one will know you're doing it. Wonder if it's true.

would be fun for a while.

Would be cool if true, but likely doubtful it is real. I'm sure you can hack into one of those, but I don't think something as simple as an app could make it happen.
Ok, it's not exactly hacking the jukebox.

Here's how it works:

What you will need:
-smart phone
-A bar w/ a Touchtunes jukebox.
-The Touchtunes app
-A valid credit/debit card

Download the Touchtunes app.
Buy credits.
Find the bar your at on the app.
Play all the most obnoxious songs you want w/out anyone knowing who is doing it.

You don't have to go to the jukebox. The entire selection is on your phone for 1-2 credits depending on what you want to play.

So if the bar doesn't have the touchtones jukebox, you can't do it.
True story:
Many moons ago, I was with a group of guys in the French Quarter. Not surprisingly, our alcohol-feuled antics carried
on past sunrise. With more and more places closing, we stepped into a particular establishment and it was clear that we were the only non-locals there. One of the guys collected all the quarters we had on us and walked over to the silent jukebox. Seconds later, "Puff the Magic Dragon"
Began playing.

You know where this is going.
After the third time, the bartender unplugged the machine and suggested that we vacate.
True story:
Many moons ago, I was with a group of guys in the French Quarter. Not surprisingly, our alcohol-feuled antics carried
on past sunrise. With more and more places closing, we stepped into a particular establishment and it was clear that we were the only non-locals there. One of the guys collected all the quarters we had on us and walked over to the silent jukebox. Seconds later, "Puff the Magic Dragon"
Began playing.

You know where this is going.
After the third time, the bartender unplugged the machine and suggested that we vacate.

I don't know why he would make that suggestion to you. He's the one who is in possession of a jukebox on his possession that has "Puff the Magic Dragon" as a song selection. If anything, he should be embarrassed of himself.
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