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The best LAVENDER anything...

Name them. I had the Taylors cream and loved the scent, but the shave was raw. Probably my fault. The best lavender scented shave products is what I am after. The strongest.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Name them. I had the Taylors cream and loved the scent, but the shave was raw. Probably my fault. The best lavender scented shave products is what I am after. The strongest.

Personally, I much prefer the TOBS Lavender Soap over the cream for performance.

Two favs of mine:

- Prairie Creations Lavender, very good
- The Gentlemen's Quarter Provence Lavender, also amazing.
Martin de Candre - best performing lavender soap I've used so far
T&H Ultimate Comfort Cream - "Light" lavender is probably an understatement. Good shaving cream though.
I'm surprised there's no mention of AOS or DR Harris Lavender soaps. They're both tallowy goodness.

The OP wanted to know about "stronger" scents. TOBS has a much stronger scent than AOS, but I think AOS Lavender is a better soap.
C&S Oxford SS puts some smack down. Fills the room.

Indeed...QED Soap. Almost burns nostrils.

SCS bulgarian lav splash is crazy powerful on your face...while it lasts.
Martin de Candre - best performing lavender soap I've used so far
T&H Ultimate Comfort Cream - "Light" lavender is probably an understatement. Good shaving cream though.

Why, why do you do this :lol: I so want to try this soap and you are not helping. I think I have enough soap to last me 20+ years. I think I'll hold off of soap purchases for awhile to get this eventually.

As to the topic, my vote is for DR Harris LAvender.
Some extra information:

The soap:

The creme:

Product info: here
Essential oil of Lavandula angustifolia French Fine. Steam distilled; country of origin: France. The finest Lavender available on the market! And this is why.......There are over 200 varieties of Lavender and 28 different species. Lavandula angustifolia is commonly referred to as English Lavender or true Lavender. While grown thru out the world, France is considered the premier growing area for superior lavenders.

The French Fine has a less camphorous smell, is more herbaceous and lightly sweet. Our "Provence Lavender" bears the appellation of "French Fine" which is your guarantee that this Lavender has been grown and distilled in the Alpes-de-Haute Provence region of France. The finest of Provence!

Review here: link
Out of this world. Not too strong, not too weak and oh so relaxing. This is by far the best lavender fragrance I have ever experienced. In fact - it's so pleasant, that after drying off the outside of my scuttle, I returned it to my bookshelf in my home office where my ceiling fan was moving the air around. The overall affect on me was akin to lengthening the morning's shaving experience as I sat working immediately after dressing with the aroma swirling around the office. This is good smelling stuff!
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