Afternoon chaps. The wife and I were at the local granola kids market today and we always stop at their addiction enabling cheese counter. Nestled amongst all the usual goodness was a cheddar that caught my attention. At first look I thought it was an American version of Parmesan or more accurately Parmigiano. At least judging from the look. Then I noticed the semblance of a rind which looked more like the moon's surface. After taking a closer look, I saw the Cabot's Clothbound Cheddar label. I had to try it and the lad at the counter gave me a small taste. The rest of the package went into the shopping basket and I hied me back to the gaff to give it a good taste. By the time I made it home it had approached room temperature and the taste and texture were just perfect. This is a well aged cheddar. In fact, it can tend toward crumbling if handled while still too cold. A good rest at temperature is a MUST with this cheese. It has a nutty, smooth mouth feel and goes down the gullet with the greatest of ease. This is grand stuff lads. Made here in the States. Vermont to be precise. I have included a link to a blog that has great photos. It was $18.59 U.S. per pound at our market but I got a small piece for a little over $4. It is so rich you really don't need much. Try this if you can get it. You cheddar lovers will appreciate it.
Regards, Todd
Regards, Todd