No definative answer except for the one you come up with after using a few, let us know.
Recommendations? After trying a couple dozen different types, ranging from $25 to 10 times that, Rooney Super for me. Although Ive tried a cheap Semogue recently and am wondering if that might be better.
My favorite brush is a custom restore I did using a Rooney Handle (the one seen in this link, not that one but the same handle: and a 24mm Vulfix Silvertip knot (I believe the knot either is a Simfix Chubby 1 three band super or else is a very close brother to it).
A close second is my Eagle G3 in Best.
Third would be my Rooney Finest 1/2
Fourth would be my Bullseye Custom 24mm TGN Finest (would rank 2nd or 3rd but the handle style I needed when I bought it doesn't suit my lathering techniques very well now. I prefer Stubby face lathering brushes now, but it was a long handle which I requested at the time for lathering in a deep scuttle)
Honorable Mentions would go to D01 3band custom (haven't tried 2 band), Somerset Chubby 2 3band, and Rooney Heritage 26mm 3band Super in real horn (Very similar to a Rooney real horn LE that was made a couple years back, may be one but I don't know for sure). These brushes are/were all very nice, but just a little big bigger than my "perfect" size.
before my answer...a brief anecdote from my colorful past.....
i used to work at a tobacconist and as a high-end shop, we carried fine tobaccos, pipes, cigars etc. i had taken it upon myself to learn about and sample many items we carried so that i could make a recommendation to customers.
one day the owner stopped me and asked "what is the best cigar?"
i thought about most expensive, most exclusive brands we carried and chose one. "wrong!" he said. i chose another brand. "nope." he said.
finally annoyed and exasperated....i took the bait. "okay, i give...what is the best cigar"
he looked at me and dropped the bomb. "the best cigar is the one you like".
the moral here is obvious. there are expensive brushes, there are exclusive brushes and everyone has their favorites, but in the end...the best brush is the one you like best...and it doesn't matter if its a $15 tweezerman or a $500 plisson.
I'm too indecisive to have a single favorite brush. Plus in the past couple weeks I have acquired some real stand outs that are still in the honeymoon stage so my judgment is not quite fair at the moment.
Top 3 *currently in flux*
Rooney Heritage 26mm 3band Super in real horn - same as SliceOfLife with a big scrubby knot, short loft, on top of a big fat horn handle.
Morris & Forndran 24mm Blond Badger - astounding backbone and impossibly soft tips.
Rudy Vey custom 24mm Eagle style handle with a TGN Extra Stuffed Finest 24mm knot-the best handle I own, its another big curvy handle perfect for my bigger hands.
Based on shear beauty my TGN 22mm Black Badger on a black pearl handle - its just stunning! Plus its a nice brush to boot.
Honorable mentions go to my Chubby 2 two band, Rooney Heritage Stubby 2 (maybe XXL, its one of my new ones so I'm still debating if I like the new or original)
I'm new to wet shaving and have only owned 4 brushes. A Simpson Tulip, a Vulfix pure Badger, a Merkur Silvertip that came with my Futur set, and a Dovo Travel Brush. And the Merkur has been the best brush so far. Very dense and a great lathering brush.