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The B&B ShaveWiki Opening Ceremony discussion thread

B&B keeps rolling out the hits. Today, we are delighted to open the doors to our very own museum of shaving, the B&B ShaveWiki. The ShaveWiki is a place where information of all things shaving can be stored and referenced. In it you will find a Safety Razor database, reference articles on shaving, and even extensive vendor information.

But wait, the ShaveWiki isn't complete, you say? That's right. This is where YOU come in. You see, as much as we'd like to think so, we moderators and development team members don't know everything. In fact, our knowledge pales in comparison to the collective wisdom of the board. As seen in wikipedia.org, the value of a wiki comes from the compilation of knowledge from every user. As such, ANY B&B registered user will have the ability to modify almost every page on the wiki. Don't see a page that's needed? Create it! So, while we'll be actively filling in the blanks, it's up to YOU to help out. So jump right in, read the intro page, and show us what you know.

Prior to starting, we have a few simple requests.
  • Follow the B&B Terms of Usage and ShaveWiki Rules.
  • Try to remain as unbiased as possible. The wiki is to be used as an encyclopedia/reference, the forum is for discussion.

Don't think this can get any better? Fat chance! The B&B moderators and development team are hard at work on even more outstanding ideas to make B&B the place to be. Hold on to your seat and enjoy the ride!
I love Wikipedia and How To wikis. This is a valuable addition to B&B. Kudos to the mods and development team for putting this on the site!
This is definitely a huge plus. Instead of sending people to a cruddy geocities link that only works half the time, we can amass our own database of double edge razors. We can have a list of vendor links, and instead of waiting for a mod to edit the link thread, anyone can edit it and put in a new link.

The possibilities are endless. :thumbup1:

I thought I was dreaming ? rubbed my eyes a few times and that button didnt go away its really there WIKI ....


Good job... 2:07 AM here.
What a great addition to B&B for 2007. Thanks to all the mods. I'll read the rules and add to the wiki accordingly.

I'd love to see a good article teaching about the classification of straight razors. What is hollow? What does the 4/8, 6/8, etc. mean? What does French point, Spanish tip, (sic.) refer to? Types of steel? And I'm sure there are more factiods to help choose a straight for those of us thinking of dipping our toes in...
I must say I am impressed. Excellent job guys!!! I look forward to read and contribute. Thank you all for continuing to improve the website and for providing an avenue to share information and opinions.

One nice thing about a wiki is that requests for information can be made in the hopes that someone will come along and take the time to fill it in. This really is a wonderful opertunity to centralize a lot of stuff and become the repository for often referenced forum posts. :thumbup:
Awesome.... Now will we get into trouble editing wiki pages on ourselves??? (Inside wikipedia joke for super nerds only)

:eek: again this sight astounds and amazes!!! No reason to go to anywhere else on the internet for anything shaving related.
  • Uploads are disabled. I cannot post pics of different blades in the blades section I started building out.
  • You have no syntax area that shows a newbie how to use the wiki syntax.
  • Your edit buttons are a little too limited. Wiki relies on Headings and lists. I suggest H1,H2,H3 and ordered and unordered list buttons for the newer users.
  • Uploads are disabled. I cannot post pics of different blades in the blades section I started building out.
  • You have no syntax area that shows a newbie how to use the wiki syntax.
  • Your edit buttons are a little too limited. Wiki relies on Headings and lists. I suggest H1,H2,H3 and ordered and unordered list buttons for the newer users.

Hmm...uploads were supposed to be enabled. Nick, can you help out with this?

There is a link on the front page to the MediaWiki site which explains syntax. No need to reinvent the wheel.

The edit buttons are what comes with the MediaWiki install.
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