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The Awesomnest Scales Ever

Hello all, I'm not a straight artisan, that being said I probably wouldn't make custom scales for a razor unless I had some that really needed replacing. I'll probably make a few out of wood, however, I have this, possibly practical question to ask:

What do you think would be the coolest/randomest/awesomnest thing to make scales out of? An old gameboy color? The hardcover of a Norwegian dictionary? Vinyl from a bad country LP?

Name your material folks.
Amber (real amber, with bugs in it), ivory (yeah, not PC, but whatever...), wood from The Cross, saber toothed tiger fangs, um...:rolleyes:
I've seen mammoth ivory scales that are drop-dead gorgeous, and you get badass points for having something made out of an extinct animal.
Narwhal tusk

Anybody else find this absolutely hilarious?



If you could pull it off I would love to see some kind of stone scales. Would probably really upset the balance of the razor though, and I'd always be scared to drop it. But it would be beautiful.
I have a Livi regrind with juniper scales. Juniper (like many coniferous woods) smells very nice. I just cannot stop myself sniffing the razor before I start shaving.
So juniper would be my choice.
1. truck tire tread with the steel belts showing

2. AA size Maglite with a slit cut into it for the blade to rest . Bulb reflector and all of course .

3. One toothbrush with bristles and the other with bristles removed . Talk about traveling light . Razor and toothbrush all in one .

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