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The 2023: 1-Blade, 1-Week, Daily Shaving Adventure

Week 8 Ends: Blade is a Super-Max Super Stainless.

Stayed sharp for the week.

I decided to throw a small modification in. I forgot to mention this last week.

Occasionally, I don't get to shave until later in the day. I decided that it really would serve little purpose to shave that late.

Some people take a day off from shaving or miss a day here and there. Shaving every day, there is not that much to shave on the following day.

This gives me a chance to see how the blade performs with a two day old beard, which is more challenging on the blade.

I plan on doing this from time to time. So far, so good!
Week 9 Begins: Blade is a Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (AKA Black).

I get such excellent smooth shaves from this blade.

I was almost going to grab one from the tuck to shave with this week. The last couple of shaves were just OK but not really outstanding. This comes with the territory when using new blades.

Though six months worth of blades are from my regular rotation, I have been gifted with an additional three months worth of blades that are new to me.

So, basically one out of three shaves will be with an unknown (to me) blade.

Looking forward to en excellent week's worth of shaves with the Black.
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Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Statum, fail(5)

These are nice blades and I know they pass for others, but it's good to have more data because these could go either way for different people.

I attempted a sixth shave this morning and while it was removing beard comfortably, even after an against the grain pass, I could clearly feel stubble. I grabbed a different razor and did another ATG pass to confirm and could see the stubble in the lather. My face didn't completely appreciate the extra shaving than normal, but no long term harm done!

These are one of the cheapest blades out of India, as cheap or less than Gillette Wilkinson Swords that I use as a benchmark. Those won't go past five shaves for me either, think I mentioned it somewhere above, so I would pick which ever one I liked better. For most people who like blades of this sharpness, they get more shaves out of a blade so these would suit them well and likely pass. Even if I don't understand the drive for 1 cent per shave, I mean two is low enough for me!
Even if I don't understand the drive for 1 cent per shave, I mean two is low enough for me!

In today's world, you can pay a lot for something and still get crap.

DE shaving is about the only thing left where you can buy merchandise at entry level pricing and still (sometimes) get a quality product.

I thought blades at 10-cents per week were a great deal on today's expensive cartridge market.

But, discovering blades that cost six or seven cents each and last a full week, is really remarkable.

It's actually quite remarkable when they last a full week's worth of quality shaves!

Of course, I am not saying that there aren't some excellent 2-cents a shave blades out there!
Greetings! As we welcome the new year, I would like to propose a new (to me at least), a challenge and adventure.

As the title indicates, this will be a thread where those who choose to participate will attempt to shave for 1-full week, 7-daily shaves, using one and hopefully only one DE razor blade.

I realize, that for obvious reasons, this won't work for everyone. Some here are the "One and Done" crowd.

Some know that they find it necessary to change their blades after 4-5 shaves. Others are of the Excalibur mindset...

How many shaves is a DE razor blade good for you? I would like to see a full seven days of daily shaving out of one DE blade.

The Why is simple. Thinking it would make DE shaving more convenient to change out your blade on a once a week schedule.

I have set aside 26-DE blades for my adventure. Though I plan on adding some new blades along the way. Blade selection will be random.

Changing razors, soaps, brushes, anything goes, just one blade each week!

My initial plans are to use a DE89 or 34c for the 1st shave. And to use the R41 head at least twice (or more) during the week. May throw in a couple of cartridges and disposables, for comparison. I may also repeat a blade more than once, using a new blade. I might acquire some other razors throughout the year or other shaving accessories.

Anyone can participate! Go 1-week only or the full 52-week full monte. Use only one make or 52-different types of blades. Throw in a SE or other blade here and there for comparison.

Start on either Sunday or Monday of every week. Start on Saturday if you must.

Post the blade you are using for the week. Post any other relevant information on the first day or along the way.

What if the blade is not going to give me a good or comfortable shave before the week is over?

No problem, you gave it your best shot! No need to shave beyond the practical life of the blade. Post how many days you made it through. Finish the remaining few days with any other blade you happen to have lying around. Start a new week on the same day of each week, using a new blade.

Post your ending results weekly.

The object is to get 7-days worth of shaving out of a single blade and to change your blade once each week. If you wish to continue using you blade longer than for 1-week, that's perfectly fine also, just please don't post any more than 1-week in this thread.

This way, we might find out how many blades can get a full weeks worth of shaves, typically from average shavers.

Comments and or questions will be welcome and addressed.

The thread kicks off on Sunday, January 1, 2023...

Very enjoyable read!! :popc::popc::popc:

Wish I ’could’ participate as most of my blades go roughly 7 days. However, I keep ‘top-tier’ blades until they ‘quit’ often 10+ shaves. ‘Bottom-tier’ blades get tossed much sooner. So I am enjoying the rigor of this thread!!
Wish I ’could’ participate as most of my blades go roughly 7 days. However, I keep ‘top-tier’ blades until they ‘quit’ often 10+ shaves. ‘Bottom-tier’ blades get tossed much sooner. So I am enjoying the rigor of this thread!!

You most certainly can join in! This is a week by week thread. The sole purpose is for future readers to find out if a particular blade or blades might last for a week's worth of daily shaves.

No need to do a begin/end thing like I am doing. If you are shaving with any blade and it lasts you a week, you can jump in here and note that you have just finished a week with "X" blade.

You can include a sentence or two (completely optional) summarizing the blade and whether it is done or is good to continue on for a few more shaves.

Once you hit "Post reply", you are finished with that particular blade/week in this thread.

But you are still very welcome to continue actual use of the blade, as long as it serves your needs.

In fact, you can start another week with the same exact new blade. Nothing wrong with letting everyone know about the quality control factor.

Blades that last you less than a week, need not be posted here.

However... If you did start with a brand new blade and had the reasonable intention of shaving with it for a week and the blade didn't quite make it for the full week, you are welcome to post that also.

It's also helpful to know which blades didn't make it through the week. This is different than someone who arbitrarily bins a blade after 4-5 days.

Join in a week here and then anytime you have something relevant to post!
Week 9 Ends: Blade is a Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (AKA Black).

What an exceptional week of shaving. This blade is scoop smooth and it cuts cleanly through with no tugging.

I did skip a day so that I could experience two days growth with this blade. No problem at all. Couldn't even tell that it was two days growth. With most other blades, I still get a good shave but it is apparent that I missed a day.

Blade appears to be good for a few more shaves.
Week 10 Ends: Blade is a Treet Dura Sharp.

I have to comment. This Dura Sharp has given me close wonderful shaves this entire week.


Very pleasantly surprised, as this blade had not been on my radar before it was gifted to me.

The final three days I went back and forth between the EJ DE89 and the King C. Gillette razor. Noting, that I used the King handle to keep the feel of the razor the same. I couldn't tell any difference between the two. Both provided me with great shaves.

The final outstanding aspect of the Treet Dura Sharp is that they are only 7-cents per-blade on Amazon in packs of one hundred. Which leads me to feel that these blades are a particularly excellent value!

The blade is still sharp and good for a few more shaves...
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Wanted to add a comment here after shave #1 earlier today.

Feather blades are strange. Often the initial shaves are rough and at other times they are not?

My shave today, using the King C. Gillette razor was smooth as glass. It cut through my beard like there wasn't even blade in the razor (really)!

Overall, I think that Feather blades have improved significantly in this aspect, over just a few years ago.

It's nice not having to cringe my way through the first shave!
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This week I used a Big Ben Super Stainless blade. They’re quite cheap, only $7/100 on Amazon right now.


To give an idea of my blade usage: I shave daily, 2 ATG passes + touch ups. My goal each day is for a BBS shave with as little irritation as possible.

For this week’s shaves I used my Gillette New Short Comb and Mitchell’s Wool Fat. For prep I wet my face, lather up my face and leave it on for 5 minutes. Then I rinse it off, lather up again and I’m ready to shave. This week I have been making changes to my lathering process as well as my technique, so there is a good chance those factors may have contributed to my results.

Overall, this was a great blade for me. The blade is quite sharp and smooth enough that I never got any irritation from it. The blade reminds me of a Gillette Platinum. The first 4 shaves started were about equal in performance, with some noticeable dulling by the 5th shave. Shave 6 I failed to get a BBS on my neck/jaw, but thought it could just be my change in prep/technique. Shave 7 I couldn’t get a BBS on my neck either (though I got a surprisingly pristine BBS on the easier parts of my face), which confirmed that the blade had gotten too dull for me.

All of this being said, I believe that with more consistent lather, combined with the quicker shaves that a consistent lather give, this blade very well may be able to deliver more BBS shaves. I have several other blades I want to try out for now, but I may revisit this exact same blade and see if shaves 8-14 are possible with it. Thanks for reading!
This week I used a Big Ben Super Stainless blade. They’re quite cheap, only $7/100 on Amazon right now.

I get a kick out of blades called "Big Ben" that are made in Egypt!


But seriously, if a 7-cent blade doesn't last forever, it's not the end of the world.

You are certainly welcome to repeat Mr. Big Ben any week, as often as you like!

It is helpful to have as many data points as possible. Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures...
Week 12 Ends: Blade is a Treet Silver Carbon Steel.

Blade was sharp. It was removed from the razor, rinsed, wiped and dried every day. I do this with every blade anyway.

Blade is carbon steel. OK, is there a point to doing this over stainless steel?

Blade shaved well all week. Was a tiny bit on the scratchy side on the final shave. Will retire this Blade after one week.
Week 13 Begins: Blade is a Gillette IIP cartridge from India. Being used in the IIP razor handle. The IIP is an authorized reproduction of the 1971 Trac II system.

I bought these last year and shaved once with them. I will now try for one complete week, using the same blade (if possible). The IIP razor and blades are available online from Walmart.

Thought I would compare this to a DE blade and razor.
I get a kick out of blades called "Big Ben" that are made in Egypt!


But seriously, if a 7-cent blade doesn't last forever, it's not the end of the world.

You are certainly welcome to repeat Mr. Big Ben any week, as often as you like!

It is helpful to have as many data points as possible. Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures...
Lord was originally a subsidiary of U.K. based Wilkinson razor company that was sold to a local Egyptian owners back in 1981. Hence the connection to the U.K. and artifacts like the "Big Ben" brand. They still post a picture of a 1978 British royal family member visit to their factory on the web site. They like the brand so much the even sell "Big Ben" batteries.

Details from their website company profile below:

Profile from the Lord International Company Web Site:​

Princess Alexandra, first cousin of Queen Elizabeth, inaugurate The First stainless steel razors blade factory in Egypt and Middle East 1978

In 1981, "Wilkinson Match" – based in the United Kingdom, sold its share in "Wilkinson Sword Middle East" to "Soliman's" Family currently "LORD International", which was launched with Wilkinson Sword technology to more than 70 countries around the globe to be presently considered as one of the six major companies operating in the international market of Wet Shaving.

LORD is cordially upholding a wide flexible spectrum of wet shaving products for both sex, including DE Blades, Single, Twin, Triple blade disposables, 5 Blades & Systems under own brands (LORD, ASCO, Big BEN, SHARK, …etc),

LORD also produce "Private Label" line of wet shaving products to a considerable number of Super Market Chains in Europe, North & South America.

LORD not only supply its products at highly competitive rates, but also with its outstanding expertise, and quick responsiveness, without trading off between the price and the quality of our products, and in parallel to sustaining the punctuality of our delivery services.

The above is clearly reflected on the current policy of our company, which is achieved through clear leadership throughout the globe in the categories of both basic and innovative shaving products.
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In today's world, you can pay a lot for something and still get crap.

DE shaving is about the only thing left where you can buy merchandise at entry level pricing and still (sometimes) get a quality product.

I thought blades at 10-cents per week were a great deal on today's expensive cartridge market.

But, discovering blades that cost six or seven cents each and last a full week, is really remarkable.

It's actually quite remarkable when they last a full week's worth of quality shaves!

Of course, I am not saying that there aren't some excellent 2-cents a shave blades out there!
When I returned to DE shaving 3+ years ago penny per shave, and even less, blades were much more common than today as prices have gone up a bit. I started off with Derby 200 packs (blue box) for under $9 each (4.5 cents per blade) followed by Astra SPs for under $8. First box of Dorco Stainless blades (ST-301 plastic tuck) was around $7 followed by Dorco Prime blades (STP-301 plastic tuck) for $9. All purchased on Amazon.

Lots of other brand 100 packs, such as Treet and Shark, were selling for as little as $5 back then. Given the fairly common 6-7 shaves per blade, roughly one per week, the one cent shave was a fairly common achievement based on those prices.

Amazon blade prices have since gone up, 200 blade blue Derby boxes are now $14, Sharks and Treets are now $7-$8, Dorco Primes are up a little to $9.99. Feather blades, never close to one cent per shave, are now $50 per 100. Astra SPs had gone up in price and are now back down to just a little over $8 per 100.

Regardless, DE razor blades are a great value even at $10 -15 per 100 pack (2-3 cents per shave) compared to cartridges.

Per the recently posted analysis comparing cost per shave of soap versus most blades (link below, post #29 in thread) the blades are typically the much smaller piece of the cost per shave equation. Shaving soap costs, at one gram per shave, start at around 2 cents per shave (Arko) and then quickly go up to easily 10 - 11 cents per shave (MWF example) for commercial brands and far beyond that for some premium artisan brands. With the discontinuation of "old school" brands like Williams and Palmolive shave sticks one needs to go to bath bar soaps to get the cost of soap (half-cent per shave for Irish Spring) below the cost of blades.

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Per the recently posted analysis comparing cost per shave of soap versus most blades (link below, post #29 in thread) the blades are typically the much smaller piece of the cost per shave equation.

I have noticed that myself. Though there are still decent six and seven cent blades available.

The last couple of years, I figured that DE blades were at rock bottom prices. In addition, over the past few years, many very popular DE blades have been discontinued.

Because of this, I felt an obligation to acquire quantities of some of the blades I use on a regular basis. I would hesitate to buy Feather blades at 50-cents each. I bought some for around 28-cents, late last year. This was my most expensive blade purchase.

I bought some Black's for 24-cents. Amazon had Platinum's for $10. Amazon had the 7-cent Dorco ST301's on sale for 5-cents.

Though some have edged up a few cents, there are decent DE blades for 14-cents and under. This is still only 2-cents per-day.

I use both Gillette and Edge shaving gel. I also buy 6-8 cans at time when they are on sale in the grocery store.

Figuring an average of $2.50/can or $10 for four cans. I get at least 2 1/2 months from each can. So four cans last 10-months or $1 per-month. This figures out to just over 3-cents each day for soap.

All together it would average 5-6 cents per shave, depending on the blade.

The gel is up about a dollar a can now. So the gel is definitely more than the blades themselves.

For 2-3 cents per-shave, blades are a definite bargain for me. At the most, my Feather's are 4-cents each.
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