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TGN Synthetic

I was having a difficult time deciding where to post this. Do I post in soaps because it's the first time I used Tabac for face lathering? Do I post in the straight razor forum because my blade was so smooth, and got me super close to bbs in one pass? Do I post in brushes due to the face lathering performance of my new TGN knot?

Well here I am in brushes.

I turned a cocobola handle a week or so ago, and I've been lathering in my scuttle with good, but not excellent performance. Today I decided to face lather, and man oh man did it lather! I didn't realize that I had been using so much soap until today. The lather was erupting from the brush and never stopped. I lathered up for the first pass, and then again for the second, and I'm sure that if I had gone further the brush would have kept on putting out ridiculous amounts of slick, smooth Tabac lather.

I love how soft the brush is compared to my pure badger, but I just wasn't sure about the lather. I was having better results in the scuttle with KMF cream, and I was just about to resign this brush to creams only. I'm glad I gave it another shot with soap. This will be my go to brush for face lathering.
Where can I buy TGN knots? I have an old brush that has lost about 2/3 of it's bristles. Plus, when my VDH boar brush wears out, I'd like to put a synthetic knot in it.
I also want to turn some handles from Delrin, Cedar, and maybe Holly.
Seems like the best way to get a brush with a handle that fits my hand well is to make my own.
I like the GNB Knot.I felt it was a cream brush also .It can be used for soap depending on which soap.This a great value in a knot for restos.Aslo a great
knot for travel and soft soaps.It makes a great beginners gift brush.The price is great and size is good for many uses.
Cheers Rocket
TGN badger Nylon is softer than naturally possible, and has a lot of backbone, but unlike badger hair (hard to initially depress, but gets easier as you depress more) it is the opposite. It takes no effort to depress the tips, but requires a good bit of force to fully splay the brush for face lathering. So while it works excellently as a badger substitute, its behavior is significantly different than badgers.
It is quite different than badger. I think the splaying you're talking about is why I was having such a difficult time bowl lathering with soap. For some reason I'm able to get the brush to open up more when I'm face lathering, and as a result the lather is much, much better.
It is quite different than badger. I think the splaying you're talking about is why I was having such a difficult time bowl lathering with soap. For some reason I'm able to get the brush to open up more when I'm face lathering, and as a result the lather is much, much better.

I have found this to be true for me as well. Face lathering is easier and the brush opens up well on the jaw line and chin. I suppose if i used a bigger bowl, bowl lathering might be easier.
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